The girl’s face began to soften. “You’re not shy, Sonya. You can get any man you want. For me, it’s a little more difficult.”
“Don’t say that,” she implored. “You are absolutely gorgeous. Any guy would be lucky to have you as his girlfriend.” Then grinning added, “Stick with me kid, and we’ll have them lining up.”
Audrey’s face broke into a smile and she even produced a short laugh. Sonya felt a wave of relief. Nevertheless, even knowing her friend forgave her, Sonya felt horrible about what she had done. No matter what it took or cost; she would make it up to Audrey.
Maura looked from one woman to the next, then proclaimed, “Oh for goodness sake’s, Sonya! The men have just been banging down our doors, have they? That’s why we’re both nearly thirty and still single.”
All three women broke into laughter and the same comradeship came over them once more. The rest of the hour returned to their usual lunch-time powwow with Sonya piping in at one point over the debate between the red dress or buying a new one for her date with Tristan. Maura excitedly agreed the red dress was the perfect mix of seductiveness and innocence. Audrey, however, had nothing to say.
* * *
The hall was crowded with businessmen and women from all across the country. The conference drew professionals from all walks of life from executives and officers of various firms to professors and scientists. The influential circle included financial tycoons and entertainment dignitaries. They were all present today for one thing. Survey the latest technological and automated developments.
Daniel’s design was one of many being honored that afternoon. The seminar was an annual event. He was a usual attendee. It was in his university days when his professor encouraged him to enter a blueprint of a computer circuitry he had developed. His design made no grand impression but he enjoyed the experience and benefitted from the exposure.
The wooden plaque in his hand was his third such honor in eight years. Eventually, he proved his ingenuity and became a highly skilled technician in his field. He was very aware of the respect and admiration he received from his co-workers and employees. It was additionally rewarding to receive it from his peers.
“Daniel.” A short but round man emerged from a small group to approach him. He looked more comfortable in a checkered plaid shirt than he did in his stifling tuxedo. Even as he approached, one finger tugged at his shirt collar as if to give his neck room to breathe. The other hand held a partially finished bourbon. “Great presentation. Another winner again this year. Son, you are a genius.”
The man slapped Daniel on the shoulder then just as quickly went to balance his glass as his action caused the liquid to slosh over the rim. The man cursed as some of the drink landed on his hand and suit. Daniel mechanically handed over his handkerchief from his breast pocket. “Hardly a genius, Frank, but thank you for the boost of confidence.”
“Boost?” Two burly brows drew together as he arched them to look at the younger man. “I hardly think so. Whatever brain matter the man upstairs put behind those spectacles of yours, boy, is a pure work of genius.”
Lord, Daniel hated when people complimented him. It made him feel uncomfortable. Pushing his glasses up his nose, he glanced around attempting to find a subject to distract the stout man. Frank Smith had been coming to the conferences for years now. The CEO of a small millwright in small-town Ontario, he, however had the appearance of a man who felt more comfortable in a fishing conference. On the contrary, Daniel knew just how sharp the man was in business.
“Ah.” Frank provided Daniel with his distraction. “Daniel, I want you to meet my daughter, Aimee.”
He forced a smile and held out his hand to the young woman who appeared out of nowhere to stand beside her father. She was pretty with a round face and pale skin. Her natural rosy cheeks and large blue eyes prevented the need for makeup. Her light blonde hair was pulled back in a severe ponytail making her appear younger than she was. As women went, she wasn’t altogether unattractive. However, compared to Sonya . . .
“You and Aimee have a lot in common. She’s in the last year of her Computer Science program. I bet you could help her with some of her exams.”
Daniel looked at the woman who rolled her eyes and then flashed him a friendly grin, causing him to suddenly feel uneasy. The only thing he felt worse about than compliments were flirting females. Was this woman flirting with him? He had so little experience in this field, he sincerely couldn’t tell the difference.
“Don’t mind, dad. He’s overly protective and always trying to find someone to watch over me. I’m nearly done with school, dad, and my grades are fine.”
“Well when you come to the city for work, you’ll need a friendly face to help you ease into city life.”
“Colin’s here and already has an apartment lined up for me.” A spark suddenly lit her eyes at the mention of the male name. And if he wasn’t mistaken, her already flushed cheeks grew more crimson.
“I agree Colin is very helpful, however, he lacks the city experience you’ll need to get around.”
“I’ll be fine, dad, stop worrying.” Then obviously wanting to change the subject, she pointed to Daniel’s plaque and said, “Congratulations.”
“Thank you.”
“Will you be unveiling your new design on your next launch?”
He shook his head. “Just new updates. It’s not ready yet.”
Her sky-blue eyes looked at him with a distant look as if she were simply asking the question out of politeness. Yes, yes, that was it. She was just being polite. He felt slightly relieved until Frank Smith said, “Well, I’ll leave you two kids to talk shop.”
Then he was gone. Daniel stood watching him go. He forgot something, he wanted to shout. She’s still here. Come back. Lord, what would he say to her? She was still standing there smiling up at him. Maybe if he saw someone else he knew, he could quickly excuse himself. No, that would be rude. Blasted, he glanced at her face again. Her brows were slightly arched as if waiting for something. He hadn’t said anything. Had he? At least, he didn’t recall saying anything.
He disliked this feeling he got whenever he was around a woman. Except Sonya. He never felt that way with her. True, maybe he did at the beginning. At that time he was the biggest fumbling geek ever. However her turnoff eventually put those nerves aside and allowed him to be himself around her. Funny, considering she was critical of who he was. Just thinking of her made him slightly relax. A small thought crossed the back of his mind wishing she were there with him now. She would help him through this uneasiness. Help him deal with an attractive woman who may or may not be flirting with him.
With a sigh, he pushed the thought aside. That, Daniel Keller, he told himself, was half the problem.