Daniel leaned forward and banged the elevator button hard as if impatient for its arrival. “Your date is on Wednesday, not Saturday.”

“Of course. But I have to wait forty-eight hours before I can wash my hair after getting a perm. The fumes alone would thwart his lovemaking.”

“And that’s a bad thing.”

“Yes, Daniel, a very bad thing. If I ever want to perform on his stage, I have to get the man first.”

The elevator arrived at that moment, which was a good thing because Daniel wasn’t sure he had a decent comment to this last remark by Sonya. He had heard her sing many times. Admittedly, he would turn down his own stereo just to hear her while she practiced in her apartment. Though he would never admit this bit of information to her.

He didn’t doubt for a second she could get a deal with anyone. For he knew Sonya Elliott was a woman of perseverance and wouldn’t stop until she got what she wanted.

If only she didn’t want Tristan Manning.

Chapter 4

Sonya was grateful to arrive at the restaurant before Audrey. Maura was waiting at their usual table with her coffee already ordered.

“Maura, you’ve got to help me out.”

Her friend arched her thick black brows. “Now what did you do?”

“It’s Audrey. She’s taken a liking to Daniel.”

The woman’s brows shot up even higher. “Is that right?” Then gave a careless shrug. “She’s got good taste. If I hadn’t thought it would upset you, I would have gone after him myself long ago.”

“Maura!” Sonya cried in disgust. What was wrong with her friends? “This is Daniel Keller I’m talking about.”

Her response was a quick nod of understanding. “Yeah, the good-looking, smart guy living across from your apartment.”

Sonya sat back in her seat. Good-looking? Daniel? Well, okay, this was Maura speaking. Her idea of a good catch was Patrick Hunter. But Audrey? She hadn’t known her long but she would have thought the girl had better taste.

“You know what I think your problem is?” Maura asked. “You’re jealous.”

This time she didn’t stop the bark from escaping her mouth. “Stop, you’re going to make me nauseous.”

“Possessiveness can do that to you.”

“I’m not possessive of Daniel,” Sonya exclaimed, jumping to her feet. “Another ridiculous comment like that and I’m leaving.”

“Be my guest,” Audrey’s dry voice said as she appeared out of nowhere and dropped into the seat beside Maura.

Sonya’s face went soft all at once. Her friend was still very mad at her. Actually, she was kind of surprised. She didn’t think Audrey had gotten a chance to get to know Daniel in such a short time span. So why was she acting as if Sonya stole her man?

“Audrey,” she began, her eyes beseeching her friend. “You still can’t be angry about last night. For pity’s sakes, it’s only Dan—“

Both women shot looks at her. Sonya bit her lip and continued. “All right, I was an ass and inconsiderate. It’s just he’s my neighbor. I’m not used to him being a part of my personal life.”

Maura made a loud sound. “You’ve only talked about him nonstop for the past year.”

Her eyes darted toward Audrey who was staring into her styrofoam cup of steaming hot coffee. She must have ordered it to go, believing she wouldn’t stick around long.

“Because he’s a nice guy.” She attempted to explain, then stopped and frowned heavily at her friend. Even if she wanted, she couldn’t get Daniel to ask Audrey out. Hadn’t he just finished telling her that morning she wasn’t his type? She was distracted momentarily by the thought of what he considered his type.

Sighing, she reached over to Audrey and placed her hand over hers. “I’m sorry. Really. It’s just that, well, Daniel’s different. He’s an educated, decent, wholesome, G-rated type of guy. He doesn’t smoke, drink or party. Hell, he doesn’t even swear. His idea of fun is going to a cyber-convention.”

“Wow, you’re right.” Audrey laid on the sarcasm. “No husband material there, and forget about a father figure.”

Sonya bit her lip. Her friend was absolutely right. How could she be so inconsiderate? Daniel was the nicest guy she knew. He deserved an equally deserving woman. Not one as the likes of her. However, Audrey deserved a better judgment of character. “I suppose nice guys are hard to come by.”