“Yes, you would.” She agreed and returned his smile. “Do you have time to join me for a muffin or donut at the coffee shop?”

He shook his head. “No, I’ve got to get back to the Institute. Our deadline was bumped up.”

She nodded, vaguely wondering who our was, then brushed the thought aside. No sense getting him started in some lengthy conversation about his latest project. “I was going to tell you about my good news.”

“What’s that?” he queried as he began to surf through his mail.

“Tristan finally got around to asking me out.”

His hand paused for a moment before continuing. Then finding something of interest, he pulled it out of his stack of envelopes. “Congratulations.”

“I know.” She beamed. “Next Wednesday night.”

“You got what you wanted,” he said quietly as he opened the envelope.

“Not yet.” She gave her seductive laugh and was a little peeved when he ignored it. “I’m going to have to get my hair done and I think I’ll treat myself to a new outfit. Or I could wear the little red dress again. He seemed to especially like it.”

“Sounds great,” Daniel mumbled as he read the opened letter.

“What do you think?” Her pulse accelerated even as she thought of the outcome of their upcoming date. “Do you think it displays my cleavage enough? Or maybe I should get something with a little lower cut.”

“Hmm?” Obviously distracted, he offered instead, “Yeah, the blue dress sounds good.”

“I said the red dress, not the blue dress.” Frustrated, she dropped heavily on her heels and demanded, “You’re not paying attention. What is so important that you’re reading?”

He glanced at her face. Then held out the letter for her inspection. It looked formal and business-like. Not bothering to read it, she asked instead, “Anything exciting? Win the lottery?”

“Kind of.”

Her face went blank. “Really?”

“I won the Award of Excellence for Technical Innovations.”

“Wow, that’s terrific, Daniel.”

He took in her genuine happiness for him and ventured to add, “My sister has indicated that she and her husband will more than likely be there, but I also have an extra invitation for

a guest to the corporate presentation on Saturday.”

She nodded, smiling, oblivious to where he was going with this train of thought.

“Would you be interested in accompanying me?”

Her eyes bulged. “Christ, no.”

Taken aback by her directness, he nodded quickly and shoved the letter back in the envelope.

“Oh come on, Daniel,” she said upon noticing she had insulted him yet again. “I would be dreadfully bored at a computer conference.”

“Of course.”

“Daniel.” She put her hand on his arm. “What I said last night might have hurt but it’s the truth. We’re like mud and oil, you and me. We’re from two different worlds. We may make great neighbors but that’s it. You don’t belong in my world any more than I belong in yours.”

She sighed, adding, “Besides, I have to get my hair done for my date with Tristan.”

He turned an exasperated glare at her. “I prefer the mud and oil excuse better.”

“No.” She grinned. “It’s really the truth. Do you think these curls are natural? It takes at least five hours in the chair to get them rolled and set. I want to look perfect for my date.”