He gave a mocking chuckle. “Home. I do have to return to a job.”

“How? I thought your car—?”

“I'll use the surplus gas stored in the shed. It will get me to the next gas station.”

“You have to leave now? Can't you wait—I mean-w-we could have breakfast together.”

“I'll grab something quick from a bakery on my way home.” He smiled dryly before reaching for his tie and slipping it over his head, all the while avoiding eye contact.

“Give me a few minutes and I'll be dressed and packed—”

“No.” He interrupted as she flung back the bed sheet and prepared to get up. “Stay where you are—and, dammit, cover yourself up.”

Stunned and slightly hurt, she searched his eyes. “I don't understand.”

He returned to the task of dressing himself, however with more speed. “You're not coming back with me.”

A dreadful feeling in the pit of her stomach began to slowly swell. “Why not?”

“It's best this way.”

“Wh-hat way?” The ache began to inflame.

“Look, Laura, I'm not sure what you're expecting, but I think you've gotten the wrong idea.” He shrugged her off nonchalantly.

She tried to quench the growing pang as it crept toward her heart. “I want us to be together. I love you and you love—”

“No!” he barked savagely, unexpectedly changing his demeanor. “What we shared last night had nothing to do with that.”

The blood drained from her face. “But you said you loved me—”

He held up a hand as to stop her. “No, I never said that.”

“You said you wanted me.”

“Dammit, Laura! I was eager and you were willing!” The cold-hearted words had her gasping.

“You're lying.” Dampness filled her eyes and blurred her vision.

He swore and turned angrily on his heel toward the door. “Stop living in your inane daydreams. What happened last night occurred between two consenting adults. I didn't coax you into anything you didn't want, and I certainly never made any promises I never intended to keep.” At the door he stopped and looked back. “Welcome to the twenty-first century. People sleep with each other all the time, and preferably with someone they know. I thought that's what we were doing. I'm not sure where you get these misguided thoughts, but I suggest you grow up and face the real world.”

Gradually, coldness began to creep through her veins as she sat there listening to his sordid reasoning of their night together. When at last he finished, she stared across at him, dry-eyed.

“I might have been misguided where you were concerned and foolishly misunderstood last night, but I assure you that mistake won’t happen again.” She lifted her chin slightly. “I may live childishly in a fantasy world, and unfortunately follow my heart rather than my head, but I would most definitely prefer that over a world void of caring. The only mistake I see I've made is following all the wrong directions. You see I want a husband and children and a house to call a home. I want to be part of a family again; I don't want to be alone any more. I want to be loved and loved in return.” Her voice cracked on this last sentence.

He stared unemotionally across the room at her without uttering a word. She felt her reserve begin to shake and prayed she would not break down and start crying. The tears she would save until later when he was gone.

At last he blinked in articulate slowness, then looked her squarely in the eye before stating simply, “Goodbye Laura.”

Then he was gone. A spasm of cries shuttered her tiny frame and had her hovered over in pain. She never really believed a heart could break until that very moment. A feeling akin to the shattering of millions of tiny pieces exploded beneath her breast.

She cried for a long time after, until finally she drained herself of emotion. Her brain had gone numb from the memory of every painful word he said. In a daze she walked down to the washroom, turned on the shower and stood under the caressing warmth of the water. The only thing she knew for certain was she wanted to go back to bed and never wake up.

At last, the soothing warmth penetrated her conscious and began to clear her oppressed mind. It was then her own words came back to her. She believed in her dreams and the need for a family. She would not spend any more of her young life alone. Her heart ached to be wanted as well as needed and loved. Tomorrow would be a new beginning. The path to happiness awaited her and with eagerness she would follow it.

A tiny scar on her heart would be her only reminder it had already found its destiny in a detestable and undeserving man with unrequited feelings.

* * *