“What's going on?” Laura demanded over a hoarse throat.

“Ask Ingrid.”

“Shut up, Poppy.” The girl suddenly jumped to her feet, her face becoming threatening as she glared at the other girl.

“Make me!” The fourteen-year-old turned to Laura, defiantly. “It's Ingrid's fault, she was—”

“I said shut up Poppy!” The dark-haired Ingrid leaped forward and gave the girl a shove on the shoulders.

“Ingrid!” Laura berated. “We do not use physical violence to settle disagreements, and Poppy, snitching will not right the wrong.”


“Poppy,” she warned, with the single use of her name. Then turning back to the older, unruly teenager. “Ingrid, is there something you wish to tell me?”

The girl's eyes, outlined in thick black eyeliner, softened momentarily before turning hard and shutting out the emotion. “No.”

A feeling of disappointment touched her heart. The girl had been with her for the past three months and in that time, Laura felt she had been unsuccessful in helping her.

“Okay.” She turned away, to the disbelieving cries of Poppy and concentrated on the sound of approaching fire sirens.

* * *

“Keep the wound covered and clean for the next couple of days and you should be fine, Miss Witherow.” The doctor at the emergency room smiled down at her as he placed the last gauge across her forehead.

She required a few stitches to close the small gape she inherited during her escape, but otherwise, she and the other girls all escaped unharmed. The only harsh damage befell the house solely. She was painfully reminded she no longer had a home for the girls, let alone herself. Thankfully, she had contacts with many of the other homeless shelters in town and was successful in supplying refuge for the night. During her run as a homeless shelter, she often called upon the aid of another teenage shelter for guidance, or another bed if she was short. The favor was often returned and Laura had no qualms in sending the remaining girls under their protection. Herself, she put aside to later. Unaware, tears filtered her already tired eyes.

“Is there someone you would like to call?”

“Pardon?” She looked up, surprised at the doctor's concerned face.

“After an incident such as this, we highly recommend you stay with family or friends.”

Her eyes focused on his kind face and she waited for the usual flooding of loneliness to overcome her. To her amazement, it never arrived and she found herself nodding her head and following him out to the reception area. Over the counter he handed her a phone, then giving her an encouraging smile, turned to continue the care of his other patients.

Laura stared at the phone wondering where on earth she got the notion that she had the right to phone him. It was ludicrous, utterly stupid, and more than likely self-torment. However, she found herself reaching

out and dialing a number long since memorized.

On the other end she heard one, two, three rings before nearly hanging up. Common sense began to seep in and the foolish deed regretted, until she heard the fourth ring cut off in mid shrill and a gruff, sleepy voice answer, “Hello?”

She could not respond, feeling her throat close and threaten to choke her with tears.

“Hello, is someone there?” This time his voice came louder and more aggravated, the Dexter she knew.

“Dex-Dexter, it’s m-me, L-Laura.” Stuttering and sounding completely stupid, she wished ardently that she never picked up the phone.

“Laura?” His voice changed immediately, surprising her by becoming edged with concern. “What's wrong?”

“There was a fire—”

He swore. “Where are you?”

“At the hospital—”

The phone in her hand went dead. She stared at it dumbfounded. Then noticing the inquisitive look of the nurse sitting behind the counter, she foolishly hung up the receiver. Embarrassed, she wanted nothing more than to be by herself and wallow in her self-pity. How could she have allowed herself to be so gullible? She knew she was alone in the world and had come to face the reality of that fate.

But tonight, feeling utterly vulnerable, she made the mistake in believing maybe, just maybe, she no longer was. It had all been wishful thinking on her part, she realized, and like a blithering idiot she acted upon it.