Dexter shook his head, obviously in disagreement, however he pushed himself back into an upright sitting position and said, “Then we shall continue. You'll need to keep track both of your accounts payable, accounts receivable, as well as any job, projects, or client costs you endure. Keep up-to-date income statements and balance sheets. This is very important, you must be monitoring the bottom dollar at the end of each month. If you're careful, you'll be able to break even before you declare bankrupt. Now, you don't have any employees down at the shelter do you? No payroll records to keep track of?”

She shook her head. “Of course not.”

“Okay, good, let's move on.” He pulled out some brochures and flyers and laid them out in display for her. “These are our best investments. I highly suggest anyone of them, but it is up to the customer entirely. If you want your money in a high-risk stock than I suggest this one, if you want semi-risk, non-risk, it goes on down the line from there. You make the choice.”

Totally confused at this point, Laura stared at the brochures and could only see Latin. “I don't know what's best.”

He sighed, and retrieved the charts. “If you like, if you trust me enough, I can take your money and put it somewhere where I believe is its best chance at growth. But, I warn you, I don't have control on the market and can't guarantee capital growth.”

“I'd appreciate that.” Without blinking she complied. Funny, she didn't like the man much, but for some reason she whole-heartedly trusted him.

He nodded then proceeded to hand her yet another set of forms. These appeared more legal and binding. “What I recommend is we place the money in an annuity share that will begin payouts in a year’s time.”

Her spine stiffened as she stated, “When you assume I shall start to fail.”

His unyielding grimace did not falter. “And that is being generous. I give you six months.”

Taking an unsteady breath, she bit down hard on the hurt daring to tremble across her lips. How could such an unemotional character have such an overwhelming effect on her?

He slid the mandatory forms across the gleaming surface of the desk toward her. “Sign and date these and I'll take care of the rest.”

She did as was told, then sat back. It was all done, she realized as he gathered up the papers and began to slip them into a file folder on which he scribbled her name. There was no turning back, she handed over her money, signed the legal looking documents and left him sole guardian of her finances.

“How much do I owe you for all this?”

He paused, shooting her a brief look. “I’ll send you the bill.”

Feeling uneasy, she squirmed in her seat. Lord she hated dealing with money matters. “I can’t afford much—”

“I’m well aware of that.”

His gaze locked on her face for an awkward moment, then got to his feet and knew she was expected to follow. “I’ll pay you, eventually, I promise.”

“Good.” He headed for the door and held it open. “Now, if you don’t mind I have other appointments today.”

She followed him to the door, suddenly feeling very insignificant. “I guess that closes things.”

“The papers will be processed right away and your investment will be put to the dollar immediately.”

“That sounds good, I suppose. When do you need me to return?”

He looked puzzled. “Return? I won't need you to come back.”

“Well, won’t I need to follow up on my investment?”

He shook his head. “This is where it ends, Laura. From this point on, we will no longer need to deal with each other. Each year you will receive a statement indicating the status of your investment, mailed to you through the post or electronically to your email account, whichever your preference. Any other correspondence can be made the same way. If you have any questions or concerns, I suggest you call our pool of consultants. They will only be too happy to assist you.”

He walked her to the door where they came to a halt. She stared up at him, trying to decipher his unreadable face. So this was how it was to be. Laura was a proud woman she would not allow him to see how much it bothered her. Holding out her hand, she offered him a formal salute of farewell.

Dexter’s eyes dropped and took in the fine boned structure with its slender fingers and soft pale skin. Swallowing hard, he reached out and grasped hold of it. His hand was much larger, much rougher, whereas hers was much smaller and warmer. Its touch shot a heated current along his wrist and up his forearm, leaving the one side of his body tingly and aware.

Swiftly, as if he had singed his fingertips on a hot coal, he attempted to shake her hand away, wanting to be rid of the feel. But to his chagrin, she would not easily let go and caused him maddening and insufferable moments.

At last she released her hold and gave him a small grateful smile. “Thank you, Dexter.”

He ignored her gratitude.

“Goodbye Laura.” He said it quickly, as if wanting to dismiss an annoying child.