Laura stood staring after the man completely perplexed, then down at the check, not sure if she was dreaming or if it was reality. She looked up, urgently needing to share her wonderful news. Her eyes fell upon Cara Henderson who was lavishly enjoying her meal with her husband.

“Mrs. Henderson, it must be you I should thank for this.”

The girl looked up and noticed the check in Laura's hand, and didn't blink an eye. “Call me Cara. What great deed have I done to deserve your gratitude?”

“I just received an over generous donation. Obviously from one of the companies associated with your firm.”

Cara's hand stilled in its route to feed a forkful of food into her mouth, her voice sounding slightly alarmed. “What makes you say that?”

“The flyer you posted in your office. It must have worked and I have you to thank for it.”

Cara let out a sigh, as if relieved. “No need to thank me. I really didn't do anything. You're the one who put this together. Take full credit.”

“Still, if you hadn't posted the flyer I wouldn't have received this wonderful donation. I'm grateful, truly.”

The girl again shrugged her off with a wave of her hand. “If you're to be dishing out thanks, make sure you give one to Mrs. C. This meal is fantastic.”

“I'll repeat your compliment. I'm on my way over there now.”

She left them to finish their food and went to search out Adell once again. She hadn't covered a few yards when a graceful hand stopped her.

An elegant woman, certainly out of her element in the present surroundings, stood looking at her inquisitively. “Are you Laura Witherow?”


“I represent Lazer Technology Incorporation, founded out of Ottawa, and would be pleased if you would accept a charitable donation to your organization.”

Laura was too stunned to speak she simply stared dumbfounded at the woman who began to frown amusingly at her. Immediately, Laura snapped herself out of it and quickly placed a gracious smile upon her face. “That would be much appreciated. Thank you.”

As the woman wrote out a check for a dollar amount Laura felt was far too generous, she couldn't help but concede the success of the flyers and the effect they had on the evening. Especially, it appeared, the ones posted at Britten Investments.

If Dexter only knew, he would fly into a frenzied fury, she grinned mischievously to herself. Particularly since he had been headstrong about posting flyers in his building in the first place. Her grin widened. What a wonderful thrill it will be to rub the success of the evening in his stiff-necked, fickle opini

onated face.

By the time the evening came to a close, Laura's cash box was filled with checks from various companies and organizations whose appearances that night were for the sole purpose of donating money to the shelter. She was thrilled, not in a million years would she have believed the bingo night could have been so successful. Her excitement was shared with Adell who stayed behind after the last guest left and helped clean up.

“I'm sure your shelter will have no problem getting back on its feet now. It was a wonderfully successful night.”

“I'm truly stunned at the enormous success. I had no idea I would receive such an overwhelming response.” She talked eagerly, paying no mind to her words as they flowed off her tongue. “Not only will I be able to run my shelter properly, but I'll be able to return my father's home back to its original splendor. Though I can't be foolish with the money, I'll have to take some responsibility and invest it properly. I'm sure Dexter will know exactly where—”

Adell looked up from wiping a table, pretending not to notice Laura's abrupt halt in words. “Yes, Dexter will be able to help you there. As I said before, he's a genius in his field. You couldn't trust your money more with anyone else.”

Without a doubt, Laura didn't deny the woman's words. What Dexter lacked in every other characteristic, he made up in his astuteness regarding money matters. Maybe, for the first time in their acquaintance, they would share a topic of enjoyment and be able to sit down and have a congenial conversation.

Folding a chair, she stacked it against the wall as she felt an unexpected wave of joy. It had been a long time since she allowed herself the pure feeling of utter happiness. Tonight, since before her father's death, she felt just that and would allow absolutely nothing to interpose.

* * *

Later, if asked why she returned to Britten Investments, she would have explained it easily as the need to gloat. But, truth being, it wasn't in her character to be so shallow and display such egotistic smugness. Though if she knew what was she was about to confront, she would have gladly stayed away.

Happily, she sailed into Cara's office and gave a good morning greeting before grasping the door handle of Dexter's office.

The secretary had been engrossed in typing out a dictation, and only caught the tail end of Laura's greeting. Alarmed, she pulled off her headphones and called out, “Wait, Laura, you can't go in there!”

Too late, the door was open and she glided across the threshold, smug smile firmly in place. She had just crossed the threshold when her feet came to an abrupt halt. Dexter sat comfortably at his desk, minus his suit blazer, and tie loosened at the collar. He was looking up at a very beautiful, very bleach blonde seductively perched against the edge of his desk, two long shapely legs straddling the arms of his chair. Even from her distance she could smell the woman's heady perfume and its lethal effect.

Laura felt the blood drain from her face, felt a cold chill engulf her, and thought perhaps she was going to be sick right on the threshold of Dexter's office.