Behind her, someone gasped, drawing Laura and Dexter's attention at last. Cara Henderson's eyes were huge and rounded in shock over a hand covering her mouth.

For a second, Laura almost thought she appeared comical, which was until she followed the direction of the girl's gaze and realized the horrified gasp hadn't come from Cara, but from Adell Cameron standing in the entrance of the small office.


Dexter's mother quickly composed herself, planting a friendly smile upon her face. “Laura Witherow, isn't it? From the Christmas party?”

Startled that not only her face but her name was recalled, Laura accepted the warm hand being offered. She was immediately engulfed in a floral fragrance of sweet-smelling lilacs. “How do you do, Mrs. Cameron?”

“As a matter of fact, I'm rather surprised to see you here.” Her eyes, identical to her son's, inclined in his direction. “I wasn't aware you had kept an acquaintance with my son.”

“We haven't mother.”

“That's right,” Laura agreed. “We just met up again a short while ago. I was looking for some business advice and your son was so generous as to give me some.”

“Really?” Again, his mother slanted him a look. “You never told me, Dexter.”

“I don’t usually make it a habit of informing you of my business acquaintances, mother.”

Adell Cameron looked back at Laura. “I do hope he was able to steer you straight. Dexter is, after all, a genius in his field.”

“I'm afraid Miss Witherow doesn't share your sentiments. She has decided to ignore my advice.”

“It's not his business sentiments I have opposed. As a matter of fact, he gave me some sound advice which I have taken action upon.”

Dexter groaned. “Please, stop professing me the ring leader of such an absurd idea. I had no part in this ridiculous project of yours.”

“What project?” His mother intervened to ask.

Still holding the flyer he had tossed back at her, Laura held it out to Adell Cameron. “I'm attempting to raise money for a homeless shelter I operate for teenage girls.”

The woman's elegantly shaped brows rose intriguingly. “Dexter, I had no idea you dealt with charity organization's financial accounts.”

“I don't,” he hastily snarled.

Holding up the flyer, she inquired, “Then?”

“As I said, that has nothing to do with me.”

“Why? I think it's a wonderful idea,” Mrs. Cameron surprised them by saying. “I'll be happy to attend your charity night, Laura. As a matter of fact, hand me more of those flyers and I'll be happy to post them down at the store, if you like.”

Taken aback, Laura floundered before finding her voice. “I would be grateful.”

“Mother,” Dexter growled, “I don't think that's a good idea.”

“And why not?”

His scowl shifted to Laura's face. “Because the whole idea is ludicrous.”

“Nonsense.” Adell smiled encouragingly. “We'll have a marvelous time.”

“We?” he sneered contemptuously. “You can count me out. I'm not giving you a cent, Laura Witherow, to help feed an irrational fancy. If you want to go under, fine, but I'll be damned if I'll give you a hand.”

“I'm quite aware of your lack of desire to help.” The anger inside had her adding, “You won't be missed.”

His eyes burned of fire, but he remained silent.

Behind them a telephone rang, and Cara Henderson interrupted his stony stare to say, “Excuse me, Mr. O'Reilly? There's a call on line two.”