Which was no joke. Daniel Keller possessed as much color in his wardrobe as he did in his life. As long as she had known him, he was a rather reserved man for someone so young. And dull. Dreadfully dull.
When initially they met nearly a year ago, she thought him older than his actual thirty-one years of age. But soon d
iscovered his aloofness was more a result of him being, what she perceived, a bit on the bashful side. Something which, thankfully, had changed upon getting to know him better. She was sure she wouldn’t have bothered with him if he had remained in his little cocoon, for they had absolutely nothing in common.
“By not being able to choose between the red or blue dress, you created an internal conflict.”
“Well, of course. Do you have any idea how much a Versace dress cost? Even second-hand?”
“No, I can’t say that I do.”
Which didn’t surprise Sonya. The only thing that interested Daniel was the technical world. All his time was spent on any one of his computers, or down at the institute at which he worked. She sincerely couldn't figure him out. Not that she tried.
Daniel was a great neighbor and a real sweet guy, but he hardly fit into the circle she associated with. She was certain the group she hobnobbed with would find him a dreadful bore. As she, herself, admittedly found him to be at times. Whenever the discussion strayed in the direction of science or technology, she would have to change the topic in a fast hurry. Really, it didn’t surprise her in the least the guy was still single.
Not that he was unattractive, she had to concede as she watched him rake his fingers through his short but stiff brown locks. He had one of those dark polished looks about him. A look more popular on the legislative assembly channel rather than the ESPN channel.
Her eyes followed the movement of his hand and admitted he did possess a rather gorgeous head of hair. But, unfortunately, lacked any sense of style. What Sonya wouldn’t give to see him bear a Johnny Depp just-out-of-bed-after-hours-of-wild-sex look.
She smirked at the thought and automatically shot him a grin, which, typically, received no response.
“Got a girl in there, have ya?” She smirked and enjoyed the look of discomfort that came over him.
“No, of course not, why would you ask?”
“Relax Daniel. I was only teasing.”
Shaking her head, she thought he really ought to laugh more, and peered through his thick eyeglass lenses for any sign of mirth. As predicted, nothing. Zilch. Not even a spark.
Sonya sighed inwardly. Perhaps if there were, his eyes would stand out a bit more. As it was, there wasn’t much to be said about them. On a good day they were close enough to be considered being blue, but were mostly on the greyish side. Which, with the help of the thick lenses, only magnified the dullness in their depths.
“You really are a lost cause,” she told him, shaking her head. “Having a girl in your apartment shouldn’t have you thinking about running for the safety of your closet.”
“I wasn’t thinking that,” he said, though she detected a trace of insult as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
She sighed. Though he was a real nice guy, she didn’t doubt he was very lonely. What he needed was to find himself an equally nice girl and settle down. Not that Sonya advocated marriage. It was her opinion that the majority of people just shouldn’t get married. She most definitely being one of them. But for some, there was this curious need for it. And Sonya was certain that Daniel fell into this group.
However, with his nose grounded to the inside of a computer lab twenty-four-seven, she didn’t see any chance of that happening. If Sonya’s life weren’t so full as it were, she would take on the task of transforming the computer nerd into a heartthrob and snatching him a wife.
Or, for that matter, any girl.
It wasn’t healthy for a man to go for so long without some form of interaction with members of the opposite sex. However, one look at Daniel and Sonya simply didn’t have that kind of time.
“Help me out here, will ya?” she said, showing him her backside and changing the topic. One thing she hated, was her ability to unintentionally hurt his feelings.
Behind her, Daniel watched as Sonya lifted a heavy curtain of long dark curls and in the process gave him a full and uninhibited view of her backside. The smoothness of her exposed back and the lack of a bra had him sighing inwardly.
She was undeniably the sexiest creature he had ever observed, and his fingers ached to reach out and stroke her velvet skin. But a portion of his brain also wanted to demand she turn around and put on the missing garment.
When asked an hour earlier if she should wear the provocative little red dress or the equally sexy but with a higher degree of material blue dress, he instantly chose the latter. Not that he was a prude.
As a matter-of-fact, he definitely preferred the red dress and the way it clung to her female curves and arched to her delightful bottom. The lack of a bra very evident through the thin material of her dress, only made his groin ache. And it was for this reason that had him vexed.
He knew damn well it was for the benefit of Tristan Manning, the owner of the bar where she was headed for a job interview. She started crooning for the guy ever since she began frequenting his establishment. Why this Tristan person never asked her out, was a complete mystery to Daniel.
Sonya Elliott was the perfect male fantasy. Not only was she tall with a sinfully perfect body, but also had the face of a goddess. The word conservative did not describe Sonya.