“And out of love, Dexter. Whether you will ever acknowledge it or not, your heart has a wonderful ability to give. Will you allow it to receive?”

This time he had nothing to say as he stared openly back at her. Then, “I don’t deserve you.”

She grinned softly. “I don’t think you have a choice.”

On a serious note, he needed to point out, “I don’t know if I can love you the way you want to be loved.”

Laura felt her heart hasten. “Then love me the way I need to be loved.”

His brows came together as if her words hurt. “You’ve been through so much in the last year. I couldn’t bear it if I were to hurt you.”

Stepping closer, she replied, “We’ve both been through a lot to finally find each other. I am happy, Dexter. More than I have been in years. I love you.”

He reached up timidly and stroked his hand against her cheek. Gently brushing her hair aside, he allowed himself the joy of touching this woman who had aroused an emotion in him which had laid dormant for far too long, from the moment they shared this very night together last year on Suicide Point. A memory that nearly cost him the life of another person he cared deeply for.

He allowed himself to take the blame for his father’s death and in doing so forgone his ability to love. With this woman, those emotions had been stirred and jolted. She deserved so much more, he believed. He may not sing her praises or sweep her off her feet, but he would do everything in his power to give her all the love she needed.


Puzzled, her brows dipped slightly.

“I love you.” He told her. Then with a blissful heart she slipped into his embrace and hungrily accepted his kiss of devotion. With this silent joining, a life of joy and happiness, along with healing and forgiveness sealed a fate irrevocably forged.

The End

Note from Author

I truly hope you enjoyed reading Misfortune, Christmas with Scrooge as much as I enjoyed writing it. This book is the first in “The Miss Book Series”. If you would like to be notified of the next book in the series, please sign up to my newsletter here. Please continue to the following page to read an excerpt from Book #2 about Daniel Keller, the facts-dribbling computer nerd who falls in love with next door neighbor and promiscuous party girl, Sonya Elliott. And as always, if you enjoyed the story and would like to leave a review on Amazon, it is always welcome and appreciated.


Peggy Ann Craig



(In Love with the Nerd)

Chapter 1

Sonya Elliott thanked heaven for the umpteenth time for placing Daniel Keller across the hall.

Taking a quick look down either side of the apartment corridor, she slipped across the carpeted hallway and tapped sharply on his door.

The I-really-really-need-this-job interview was in less than forty-five minutes and, wouldn’t you know it, the zipper on her dress got snared in the lace of her panties. Her many attempts to release it were fruitless and, as she didn’t have eyes on the back of her head, she couldn’t see just how bad the damage was.

Becoming impatient when she received no immediate response, she banged harder for a second time. She refused to be late for this appointment, and though she hated asking for help, she needed another set of hands.

Daniel’s door finally opened and he peered around the corner from over the rim of his thick glasses. With one finger he pushed them back up the bridge of his nose and gave her a quick once-over.

"Ah, I see you have manifested your ability to connect with the universal system of propulsion."

Rolling her eyes, she said, “English, Daniel.”

He gestured toward her outfit. “The ability to change direction. Or in this case, your mind. As I see you have chosen to go against my advice to wear the blue dress.”

“Yeah, yeah.” She brushed his comment aside with a twitch of her wrist. “As if you have any taste.”