The blood began to flow back to her face once more and her pulses slowly began a normal rhythm. Energy, which earlier seemed to be lacking, now overflowed and with it an overdose of strength. The shield Dexter so desperately hid behind, seemingly built of brick and martyr, now suddenly appeared of glass and Laura was easily able to see clearly through it. With love as her defense Laura would shatter that wall and conquer his unyielding heart.
An unseen force guided her out of the kitchen and into the room overflowing with Adell’s guest. Astonishingly, the crowd appeared to diminish granting Laura a straightaway view of Dexter across the room of many faces. He had not noticed her yet, as he was deep in conversation with a smaller redheaded man whose complexion mirrored awfully similar to his hair. Laura headed instinctively in his direction.
As she approached, she noticed Bridget hovering nearby, excluded from their conversation. However, upon seeing Laura’s approach she turned to Dexter and seductively fastened herself to him. Irked, Dexter turned toward the bottled blonde and annoyingly removed her grasp from about him. Laura smiled. It really wasn’t polite on his part, however at that moment it was the perfect thing to do.
Aggravated at Bridget’s unwanted mauling, Dexter put her firmly to the side and returned his attention back to the gentleman with whom he was enjoying a conversation. Something red caught the corner of his eye, however, as it was approaching him rather swiftly. He looked up from the pinkish man and watched suspiciously as Laura approached. She looked far too pleased with herself. He wondered what she was coming over to gloat about now. However, the closer she advanced the warier he became. Much more than gloating lurked in those glittering green depths of hers. No, she looked as if she was far too happy.
Then, before he could react, she took the last few steps in two large strides, slid her body up against his, and wound her arms about his neck. “What the—?”
“I love you too.” She pressed a kiss to his mouth.
He faltered momentarily, before reaching up and dragging her arms back down. However, he did not remove her body. “What the hell are you doing?”
Laura grinned, then slid her arms back up, unrelenting. “I love you, Dexter.”
This time he sighed heavily in annoyance as again he reached up for her arms. “Will you stop this? What’s wrong with you? You’re talking like a crazed woman.”
“Dexter!” Bridget whined loudly, coming out of her sudden shock. “What does she think she’s doing?”
The gentleman he was talking with earlier, grinned amusingly. “It’s seems to me young man you’ve got your arms full. It’s not every day a man has two woman falling all over him.”
But Dexter was not pleased as he attempted to remove Laura’s arms once again. Bridget got louder as it was clear she was getting more excited. He could feel a throbbing begin at the back of his head. “Dexter, I mean it. Tell this little whore—”
“Shut up Bridget!” he barked.
“How dare you! If you don’t get rid of her right now, I swear I’ll leave and never come back.”
“Goodbye.” At that moment, it sounded like the best thing he heard all day.
Bridget’s eyes widened, then in a huff turned angrily toward Laura who still stood far too intimately within Dexter’s embrace, but refrained from sliding her arms back around his neck. Then in a dramatic sweep she fled out of the room of curious onlookers.
“That wasn’t very nice.” Laura pointed quietly out to him as she slipped her arms back around his neck.
“Brace yourself, you’re getting the same dose.” He reached up and gripped her arms.
“No, I’m not.”
He wavered. “Why not?”
“Because I love you.” She leaned close to whisper, “and you love me.”
His cold eyes warmed briefly before he dragged her arms down and muttered, “Now you’re simply talking stupid. Where would you get an absurd idea like that?”
“From you.”
“What?” he bellowed. “Have you lost your mind?”
He released her arms and Laura used the opportunity to slide them once more up his chest and lock them behind his head. Going up on tiptoe she leaned forward and whispered in his ear, “Thank you for the cottage.”
His entire body stilled, then he asked, “What cottage?”
“I know Dexter. Everything.”
There was a moment’s pause before it occurred to Dexter that they had an audience. His gaze scanned the room over her head and locked eyes with his mothers. She simply shrugged and gave him the sweetest smile. He sighed in defeat then reached for Laura’s death grip about his neck.
“Come on. I think we need some privacy.”
Turning, he headed for his mother’s sitting room, taking Laura’s hand as he went. However, the pinkish looking gentleman urged them, “Well don’t leave us wondering. Do you love the girl or not?”