Her first view was a full gathering of many smiling and jubilant guests of which none appeared familiar. She wanted to spot Dexter before he saw her so she had a chance to get her equilibrium under control. A quick glance around the jam-packed room concealed his presence.

No sooner she made her entrance then Norton greeted her and drew her attention away from the group. Directly behind him, Adell's other son along with his wife bestowed her with welcoming smiles. Laura was immediately struck with a recollection from last Christmas Eve when she had envied this little family and yearned to be a part of it.

“You remember my other son, Harris, and his wife Lydia?” Adell introduced them.

“Of course. How do you do?”

They exchanged formalities before Harris said, “I want to offer my sympathies regarding the shelter and at the same time my congratulations. I hear you're getting it back off the ground.”

Laura's eyes shot toward Adell. “Yes, I've been very lucky. I’ve been the recipient of a very generous benefactor. I’m very grateful.”

The woman noticed the glitter of gratitude in the younger girl's eyes and frowned.

“Well, the spirit of Christmas seems to have worked its magic.” Lydia drew her attention.

Liking the explanation, it gave the entire horrid event a new light. She smiled. “Let's just hope it lasts the whole year through.”

“Chances of that happening are one to a hundred.” Dexter's unexpected voice had everyone turning around in surprise.

Laura felt the greatest shock, trying desperately to calm her weakened backbone. “Why, what's Christmas without Scrooge. Hello Dexter.”

Ignoring her attempt at satire, he continued, “With its chief commander entirely ignorant of how to run a successful fiscal year, a collapse is imminent.”

Irked with him for discussing her personal financial situation in front of others, she attempted to shrug him off. “It seems to me you would like nothing better than to see me fail. So why you would worry about it, is beyond my comprehension.”

“You're lack of comprehension is not in question,” he said emotionless and causing Laura to gasp. Uncaring, he continued, “However, your inability to grasp the importance of the smallest concept such as understanding when a venture is doomed for failure, even after repeated fiascos, is confounding.”

“How dare you—” She was overwhelmed with an urge to slap him across the face.

“Any one ignorant enough to walk down the same disastrous path, I would say gives me all the right.” He stared her glaringly in the eye.

Inwardly, her blood began to boil. With effort, she controlled her voice. “Have you never heard of learning from your mistakes?”

“Precisely.” He crossed his arms. “By not making the same ones.”

“Maybe you two would like to take this somewhere more private.” Norton quietly drew their attention.

A quick glance over her shoulder had Laura noticing the unwanted attention of a few close onlookers. Angry with herself for allowing Dexter to draw a reaction in a public domain, she swallowed her disdain. “No, we're finished.”

“Now, how many times have you said that?

” Dexter was quick to scoff her.

“Dexter.” His mother raised her voice in warning.

Laura quickly interceded. “It's all right, Adell. I think I made a mistake in coming. I better leave.”

“No, please,” Adell implored.

“That's right, Laura, run away. It appears to solve all your problems.” He sneered after her.

She came to an abrupt halt and burning angrily, spun back to face him. Any attempt at remaining composed vanished. “I'm not the one running away, Dexter O'Reilly. Take a good long look in the mirror and tell me what you see. It's a sapless excuse for a man.”

“Oh dear,” Lydia O’Reilly uttered.

“You're too frightened to face the past and even more gullible to face a future. You won't allow yourself to feel love or—”

“Dexter?” A squeaky voice broke out of the now captivated gathering. “There you are. What's going on?”