The men came through the front door carrying the large table Laura's father stored in the shed out back. She directed them to the back wall of the dining room where they unfolded the legs and set up the table.

Outside a huge banner hung over the now completed attic walls announcing “Grand Re-opening”. Adell came up with the idea to hold an opening celebration party. It would help with the publicity and raising of funds.

With the little bit of money from her father's annuity, she treated herself to a new outfit for the occasion. It was a rather sharp jump suit in scarlet red but the silk blouse under it gave it a more soft appearance. Her dark chestnut hair looked stunning in contrast as it flowed like satin down her back.

Guests started arriving shortly after, many faces new to Laura, others very familiar. Tears of happiness almost spilled over when Poppy and Jane came together. Hugs were exchanged along with cries of joy as the girls declared how much they had missed Laura and wanted to know if they could come “home” before Christmas. It was too much, the tears rolled down her cheeks unabashed.

“Your room is upstairs just waiting for you.” She told them.

She had hurried the renovations along in the hopes of being done before Christmas which was only a week away. For Laura, there would be no greater gift then to spend the holidays in her own home, surrounded by those she loved. Her heart shone at the unexpected realization that the girls were her family now, they always would be. No matter if their faces changed from month to month, Laura realized these girls needed her. Out there were lost young souls who needed to be loved. With a start, she knew she had plenty of love to give. She needed those girls, it seemed, as much as they needed her.

Ignoring the annoying null occupying the other half of her heart, she took a deep sigh of contentment and sat back listening to the music playing over the old turntable on her father's stereo. Embellishing on such things as the latest compact discs, Laura could not afford, so her father's collection from the seventies and eighties made do for the night. However at that moment, her heart sang along with Gloria Gaynor’s lyrics to “I Will Survive”, and she was quite happy with the moment.

The evening flowed nicely along and far too quickly in Laura's opinion. Everyone sang along with the music and even moved some furniture to create a dance floor. Faces smiling and laughing filled the small house. Adell's husband even showed up later in the evening for he had been sustained back at the office.

Walking over to the buffet table where she laid out sandwiches, vegetables and other delicious finger foods, Laura picked up a triangle-shaped sandwich of pink salmon. Leaning back against the table she watched Adell and her husband float onto the dance floor, arms encircling each other, their faces glowing of love and adoration.

Something painful pierced her heart and she recognized it immediately as envy. She hated the way she felt especially toward a woman who had only been caring and supportive toward her. But she couldn't stop the emotion. What Adell had, Laura craved with all her being. Someone to love her with such depth and sincerity, for just being her.

She smiled as they danced passed her. Adell was the sweetest most wonderful person she ever met, if anyone, she certainly deserved to have love like that.

She raised her hand and was about to bite into her sandwich when she froze. Standing across the room, under a colorful streamer, Dexter stood staring across at her. Her heart stopped beating until she noticed the angry glare in those hazel eyes of his. Not sure she wanted to find out where his anger was directed this time, she turned her attention elsewhere. This was, after all, her night; no one would ruin it for her, least of all Dexter O'Reilly.

In a few long strides he shortened the distance between them, brushing angrily at a balloon in his path. Laura decided it might be best to remove herself from his path of vexation. She headed quickly for the kitchen, her footsteps moving faster as he swiftly moved in closer. Too late, he gripped her arm and spun her around.

“What the devil is going on?” he barked, his eyes spitting flames of angry darts.

Her back stiffened. “We humans call it a party?”

He ignored her snide remark. “Dammit, Laura, when will you start to listen?”

“What are you talking about?” She attempted to free her arm, unsuccessfully.

“What does it take to get through your thick head? Another fire, maybe this time not so easily fixable.”

“I'll ask you to mind your own business.” Again she attempted to shrug her arm free. “Since it seems to be the only thing you're good at.”

He clamped his lips firmly in a straight line, as he took her insult with rancor. “If you turn your home into a shelter again, you're asking for more trouble than you think you already have.”

“Words of wisdom from a man who claims he doesn't give a damn.”

Her foul language must have startled him, for he went silent. It surprised Laura as well. Normally, she did not reduce herself to that degree of anger, but where Dexter O'Reilly was concerned lately, it only seemed appropriate.

“Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll get myself some punch.” This time she was successful as she freed herself and made her way into the kitchen.

Undeterred, he followed, and along with him came the lyrics from a Marvelette’s song playing on the turntable. “I don't want nobody who don't want me.”

“If you took the actual time to use the brain you were given—” he spat at her.

“I don't love nobody who don't love me.” The song kept taunting her.

“When you begin loosing again, don't come crawling to me.”

“Because there too many fish in the sea!”

Laura's spine stiffened at last, and she spun on him with determination. “Why don't you just stay out of my life?”

Her voice had risen over the music, stunning both Dexter and the surrounding gathering.