He shrugged her out of his hold. “Give up your dreams, Laura, before you don’t have anything tangible to call your own anymore.”

She rubbed unconsciously at her shoulder where he had held her crossly. “There isn’t anything I want more than to—”

She could not finish the sentence, for then it would be to admit her loss. “You may never understand this, but when I help those girls and give them what little I can offer, my life has purpose once more. Isn’t there anything in your life that gives you that feeling, Dexter?”

His hazel eyes bore into hers and Laura saw the answer before he spoke. “No, I don’t patronize such irrational musings.”

She sighed heavily as he turned abruptly from her once more, her despair unnoticed.

* * *


Hours of cleaning and preparing the house for her young charges in the following days, rendered the home in tiptop shape. Adell Cameron had turned up unexpectedly and eager to volunteer her service. Laura was greatly thankful. Not merely because the extra pair of hands came in handy, but chiefly to thank the woman properly for all she had done for Laura over the past few months. Naturally, Adell whisked away her gratitude, reminding Laura inadvertently very much of the woman’s son.

She was in the process of dragging the round braided rug, where some of the girls perched during group session, the few feet to the front entrance where it would be taken outside to be beaten clean. Bending over backwards, she turned the knob and opened the door.

Dexter stood on the opposite side, upside down. Immediately, Laura straightened bolt upright. She stared at him speechless, so startled to see him.

His expression was his usual unemotional self. “Let me help you with that.”

“What are you doing here?” Her tongue demanded now that it was capable of moving.

“Picking up mother.” He reached for the carpet and dragged it out onto the porch. “Where do you want this?”

“Over the banister.” Of course, his mother, he certainly would not be here to see her, to apologize, to beg her forgiveness and ask her back into his life.

With one toss he flung the dirty carpet over the railing then turned back toward her, dusting his hands. “Anywhere I can wash up?”

“Of course.” She led him inside, trying unsuccessfully to regain her composure. Where in truth she felt thoroughly unsettled at the sight of him.

“Ah, Dexter. There you are. Is it that time already?” Adell stood up from scrubbing the hardwood floors, brushing a stray piece of hair as she did.

Her son silently clenched his jaw at the sight of his mother, disheveled and dirty. “Let me clean up and we'll be on our way. I suggest you do the same.”

“Bah.” His mother shrugged him off. “No harm for the pores to get down and dirty every now and then.”

He didn't say anything, just turned and followed Laura into the kitchen. At the sink she switched on the taps and turned to face him. “I suppose you blame me for your mother's appearance.”

His eyes shot to her own sloppy attire and focused on a particular black smudge over her left cheek. An urge to reach out and wipe it away had him brushing past her and vigorously scrubbing his hands clean. “My mother is a very determined woman. She does what she wants.” As he turned back, she handed him a clean towel. “I told her to stay away. She refused.”

“She's a wonderful person. I should be so lucky to have an ally in her.”

“Ally? Are you conspiring with my mother?” He gave a cynical smile. “Is it revenge you're after Laura? What little scheme have you conceived between the two of you?”

“Don't flatter yourself. I wouldn't waste my time.” Angry pride had her tilting her chin. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her humiliation.

Adell breezed into the kitchen, saying, “Well, I certainly feel I've accomplished something today. Just wait until tomorrow. I'll bring the paint and we'll begin in here. It certainly could use it.”

“Adell, there's no need for you to help again tomorrow. You've done enough today and I appreciate everything.”

“Well I'm happy to help and I certainly will return tomorrow.” She gave the girl a pert grin. “Try and stop me.”

Laura's eyes flashed to the woman's son. “I don't think your son appreciates your being here.”

His brows shot up. “Don't try putting this on me. I told you, mother, she didn't want anything to do with us.”

“Us? No, just you Dexter.” She faced him angrily. “Stay out of my business.”