At that, he leaped angrily to his feet. “Your money and the generous investors who contributed to your shelter, are sitting in ashes in the ruins of that house. It wasn’t your gratitude I was seeking.”

Stone-faced, she stared at him. “Then why did you do it?”

“Purely for compensation sake, so don’t go putting some stupid romantic attachment to this.”

That hurt, but Laura would not be intimidated. “There’s no fear of that, Mr. O’Reilly, you made your feelings on that subject very clear.”

Staring her down hard, he did not look away until at last he pushed angrily from his desk. “I was able to pull some strings.”

Her brows puckered. “Strings? What kind of strings?”

“I am very resourceful, Ms. Witherow, when it comes to business dealings.”

“And shrewd, I’m sure,” she rudely added. “What did you do, bully the insurance company into paying out the proceeds?”

His eyes narrowed. “Whatever the means to get the job done.”

A chill crept along her spine. However, it was a chill of sorrow rather than fear. Sighing in exasperation, she pulled the conversation back to her reason for being there. “However, or whatever, you did to bring about the restoration I am here to say thank you, whether you’ll accept it or not. I just don’t understand why you didn’t tell me.”

“I believe that was my intention when I returned home to mother’s that day after you stormed in here demanding your money back from the investment. However, when I arrived you were already gone and mother refused to tell me where.”

Dazed, she simply looked at him with her mouth hanging open.

Sighing heavily, he dropped back down into his chair. “I asked you once to trust me, and I have never gone back on a promise. I don’t mix words. When I say something, I mean it. I told you I’d look after it and everything would be all right. However, you ran before I had the chance to tell you.”

She stared at the top of his head as he returned to the forms scattered across his desk. Conceding his words had Laura feeling justly mortified. “I’m sorry. It is easier for me to be grateful than it is to trust someone. I’ve had to rely on myself since dad’s death and admittedly it’s been tough. Perhaps I’ve become a bit cynical. My faith has taken a bit of bruising. It’s been difficult for me to hand over.”

He looked up then, holding her eyes with his own in a silent understanding before uttering, “I suppose it is.”

“Though you may never accept it, I truly am thankful. Without you, I could have never repaired the damages.”

“I told you I didn’t want your thanks.” he gruffly uttered, then added, “However, you will promise me that you will never allow something like this to happen again and you’ll keep a better watch on your financial ledger.”

Perturbed, she replied, “I didn’t allow something like this to happen. It was an accident.”

“A preventable accident,” he growled. “Life isn’t about taking unnecessary chances.”

“I disagree. Life is all about taking chances.”

Their eyes met, before he turned away annoyed. “Even at the risk of getting hurt?”

For some reason, she knew there was a double meaning in his question. With a shaky, but nevertheless confident voice, she told him, “Yes.”

With a scowl, he brushed her aside. “You’re a fool Ms. Witherow.”

Stung, she tried not to feel the hurt. “Then I suppose I am. But, if it makes you feel any better, both the girls and I will be extra careful—”

Infuriated, he leaped to his feet once more then hurdled himself across the room to glare down into her upturned face. “You damn fool! You aren’t thinking about opening your home as a shelter again?”

Laura visibly took a step back from his wrath. “Of course I am.”

He reached out and gripped her shoulders in a fierce grasp. “You are a bigger fool than I gave you credit for. “

“Let go of me.” She attempted to escape his death clamp on her arms.

“You might as well just take a match to the place yourself.” He did not relent on his hold. “Are you such a fool you would be willing to risk your home again to seek a ridiculous belief you can save the world? Even after all you’ve been through?”

“That is my home, whether you saw to the renovation of it or not. I don’t recall every asking you for help. I will carry on my business there as I see fit.”