A few days later, Laura returned to Bracebridge. Without wanting to face Adell, she returned the car at a time she knew the older woman would not be home. Her humiliation with her last encounter with Dexter O'Reilly was unbearable. There was a need to put some distance between herself and the man, which included his kind and loving mother. The very threat of seeing Dexter again so soon after their unification kept her away. At the least, she realized, she owed Adell Cameron her gratitude for all she had done for Laura. Her tiny gesture of flowers and note of thanks would temporarily have to do. Sometime in the future, when Laura felt it safe, she would contact the woman and properly thank her in person.

Instead, she headed west out of town towards her home. She could no longer shroud herself from the inevitable. It was time to face her loss. Time to let go of childhood memories and cherished mementos, and form new ones for the future. A future she realized with a sodden heart that appeared desolate and gloomy. Scolding herself for allowing Dexter’s unrequited feelings to get the best of her, she disembarked from the city bus a block away from her home.

As she neared closer, her chest tightened in apprehension until the two-story home loomed into view. Her feet came to an abrupt halt as she stared up at what was s

upposed to be a post-apocalyptic like home, but instead, a pristine unspoiled house stood before her. She blinked several times at the unbelievable scene before her, then literally squeezed her lids tightly shut before opening them once more.

Standing before her, as it always had, was her family home, however, with shiny new bricks and windows and an attic that replaced the gaping hole where the fire had initiated. Rising proudly before the morning dawn with all its walls standing proud and erect, along with a newly built roof looking for all its worth like a shiny new halo. Any evidence of a fire nowhere to be seen.

With trepidation she advanced up the front porch only to come to an abrupt halt when the front door opened and a large robust man wearing plaid and jeans exited the entrance.

He looked up upon noticing her and bestowed her with a friendly grin. “How do you do ma'am? How can I help you?”

Taken aback, Laura frowned before finding her voice. “My name’s Laura Witherow. I own this place. Who might you be?”

His grin grew wider as he shifted a drill he carried under his arm to extend a hand towards her. “Nice to finally meet you ma'am. The names Potter, Joe Potter. I’m the fellow contracted to renovate your home.”

Dumbfounded, she said, “I never hired a contractor.”

One brow arched in surprise. “Go figure?”

“I don’t understand. What are you doing here? Who hired you to fix my home?”

He lifted a hand to rub his chin as if to contemplate her question. “I’m figuring maybe I shouldn’t have let that slip, but he ain’t never mentioned a word about keeping it silent.”


“Yeah, big fellow.” He lifted his hand to show her an estimate. “O’Reilly was the name.”

A jolt pierced Laura’s stunned form. “Dexter O’Reilly?”

“Afraid I can’t rightly recall the first name, ma'am. Kind of a gruff character though. Was on me and my men to get the job done properly and on time.” Then giving her a short nod, said, “Well I’m just finishing up here now, she’s all ready for you. If you have any difficulties, you just give me a holler.”

After she bid him farewell, she turned back to the house and gingerly entered. Going from room to room she surveyed the renovation done to the interior of the home as if the fire was nonexistent. However, it did not go by unnoticed the home was not exactly as before after all. Instead, newer, whiter and improved fixtures replaced not only all the damaged parts but the undamaged ones as well. Her entire home had been restored. And she had Dexter O’Reilly to thank for that.

Closing her eyes to the unavoidable, she retraced her footsteps back out of the house and after locking up, headed for the closest bus stop. So many questions ran through her head as the bus inched closer and closer to the downtown core of the city until it dropped her off at the doorsteps of Britten Investments. Mainly, how had Dexter commissioned the reconstruction and how in the world was she ever going to repay it?

She glanced up at the building presently decorated for the upcoming Christmas holidays, and braced herself as she proceeded through the large glass foyer doors. It seemed every shop or office building in town had trimmed their establishments with holiday displays. Laura tried to allow their festive appearances to lift her holiday mood, but it was nowhere to be found.

Up on the tenth floor, Cara greeted her warmly as she entered the small outer office. “Is Dexter in, I need to speak with him?”

“Yeah, he sure is. You want me to buzz him?” Thankful she was given a choice, Laura smiled her gratitude.

“That would defeat the whole purpose of my speaking with him because we both no he would direct you to throw me out on my back side.”

Cara grinned then turned to a large donut from which she proceeded to take a huge bite, pretending not to have noticed Laura’s entry. Turning her attention to the closed door blocking Dexter from view, she took a deep breath. Only this morning she had felt it was too soon to confront him after their rendezvous at the cottage, but here she was doing exactly that. Not surprisingly, her nerves were drawn taut as she closed the distance and swung open his office door.

Upon her entrance, his head came up from some forms he was studying to view his visitor. Thoroughly expecting to see Cara he clearly was taken aback to see Laura stride across the carpeted floor toward him. A troubled looked crossed his face.

The very evident disdain carved across his face had Laura charging straight into gratitude. The sooner it was spoken, the sooner she could leave. “I’m not sure how you managed it, but thank you for having my home renovated.”

His brows dipped, but his expression remained unchanged. “What are you talking about?”

“Why didn’t you tell me when we were up at the cottage?”

“Tell you what, exactly?”

Ignoring him, she continued, “I am entirely grateful and—and forever in your debt. I have no money to repay—”