“Again, I'm terribly sorry Miss Witherow, and I hope this does not leave you with too much of an inconvenience.”

She gasped at his words, the strength in her legs felt as if the blood had been drained from them. With a defeated sigh, she collapsed in the nearby leather sofa, the phone dangling from her limp hands at her side.

“Laura? What's wrong?” Adell stood in the doorway.

Her lips moved but nothing came out.

The older woman came over and covered Laura's hand with her own before returning the receiver to its cradle. “You look dreadful. What happened? What did they say?”

Her voice cracking, she spluttered out, “They're not going to cover my insurance claim.”

“What? How can that be? There must be a mistake.” Horrified, she took the seat next to Laura.

“They said I never made August's premium in time.”

“And did you?”

“Of course, it was just—” She was quick to maintain, but then the ghastly reality of her phone discussion struck her forcibly.

“What is it?”

Nauseated, she felt her stomach lurch. “I didn't have the money. I was going to cover it soon after the second Bingo Night, but I hardly made any money that night.”

“Good Lord.” Adell bit her lip fretfully. “I'll call Dexter, right away. He'll know what to do.”

Numb, Laura hardly registered the woman's words or actions. Adell reached over and began dialing a number on the phone.

“Dexter, it's your mother. Something horrible has happened—no Laura's not been hurt, but—” She looked at the girl who stared mindlessly into thin air. “Can we come to see you as soon as possible—yes, it's very important—good, I'll see you then.”

Hanging up the phone, she turned back to Laura. “Everything's going to be all right. Wait and see. Dexter will settle this.”

Dexter. That was it! The money she had handed over to him to invest, she would use instead of the insurance claim. With a leap of hope, blood began to color her face and the air began to flow through her lungs once more.

A short while later, they entered Britten Investments. Cara ushered them quickly into his office and shut the door privately behind them. Swiftly, Laura crossed the room, advancing on Dexter earnestly. He watched her rushed approach with his brows knitted together.

“Dexter, I need my money back.” No time for salutations, she needed to get directly to the point of her visit.

“What are you talking about?” He looked perplexed.

“The money I gave you to invest, I need it back as soon as possible.”

“Whatever for?” Irritation and confusion were evident in his expression, as he glanced back at his mother. “What is this all about?”

“The insurance company refused her claim.”

“What?” Angrily, he leaped to his feet, and grasped the telephone receiver in his hand. “Like hell they will!”

Laura watched as his call was put through to the broker. Foaming at the mouth, he bellowed through the phone lines in an irate tone that even had Laura shivering. A few times, when he looked angrily up at her, she shrunk back defensively.

When at last he slammed the receiver back on its cradle, he turned on her immediately. “You stupid, idiotic woman—”

“Dexter!” Adell cried horrified, giving him a scornful glare.

Laura wanted to cry, but instead bit down hard on her lip. Now was not the time to act upon her emotions.

Infuriated, he spun on his heel, exposing his back to them and shutting out his feelings. She watched his shoulders lift as he inhaled deeply, then droop in despair.

“They got you on a technicality. You didn't pay last month's premium and your thirty-day grace period has expired. According to the contract you signed, they are not entitled to owe you any claims.”