Placing it against her ear she heard a faint rumbling sound, very similar to that of the sea.

“Norton would say as long as the sea's echo could be heard, was how long he would love me. It was the first time he told me he cared.”

“How romantic.” She handed the shell back.

“Mmm, Norton isn't normally a very romantic man, but when he is, I value it that much more.” She placed the shell gently back on its mat. “Because it comes from the heart.”

Laura sighed contently and sat back against the upholstery.

“My, I'm keeping you up. You must be tired.” Adell mistook her sigh.

“Maybe a little, but I enjoy listening to your memories.”

“Which could have waited until tomorrow. Now, off to bed. We'll have another little tete-a-tete tomorrow.”

“I'd like that.”

The woman leaned over and took Laura's hands in hers. “Good, I'm glad to hear it.”

When Laura went to bed her dreams were full of English countrysides, seashells and silly romantic notions. For instead of seeing Adell and Norton Cameron strolling lovingly along the seashore, an image of Dexter embracing her passionately silhouetted against the moonlit kissed seaside emerged. Silly, for she knew the infeasible odds of Dexter caring in the slightest were nonexistent. And yet, a shudder of pleasure rippled inwardly at the depth of how real the image felt.

* * *

The following morning, Adell took her to the same classy shop from which Dexter purchased the outfit the day before. Trying on everything in the store from undergarments to overcoats, Laura left with an armful of bags but couldn’t help the guilty feeling nudging her conscious. She wasn‘t used to spending so much at once.

Next, they drove down into Toronto where they spent an excursion through the prominent shops in the heart of downtown. The popular stores were more than pleased to assist in the rebuilding of her wardrobe. Lavishing blouse after blouse, skirt after skirt, until finally Laura felt she exhausted her spending limits. She wasn't entirely sure just how much of the expense the insurance company would cover.

Around the lunch hour they left the city and headed north back home. They stopped in Gravenhurst f

or lunch at a restaurant along the shoreline of Lake Muskoka, and enjoyed a meal of superb delicacy and then followed through with a stroll along the city’s historic streets. Laura enjoyed browsing through the unique shops and small art galleries in buildings dating back to the late 1800's. The town was incorporated into a village in 1877 and was one of the original settlements in the Muskoka area. Originally, it became a popular spot on account of timber from the surrounding woodland, finding its way to the many sawmills along Lake Muskoka, and completely covered the small lake with logs. Today, its chilly waters remained empty and calm.

They walked down to the port overlooking the Muskoka Bay and followed through with a stroll along its shoreline. A public flea market enticed them to take a look and wander through the many unusual and unique collectibles. Adell was pleased to find a seashell to add to her collection.

The weather remained beautiful for the rest of the day with only the slightest cool breeze drifting in from the Bay. They decided to finish their outing with a stroll along the waterfront, however, far too soon, they were seated back in Adell's plush Volkswagen and heading east out of the city. Forty minutes later they pulled into her drive, tired and exhausted.

Carrying most of her parcels, with the help of Adell, Laura took them up to her room where she began the process of putting them away. As she hung a lovely printed dress of wine coloring, she sighed with contentment, completely relaxed and apart from all her problems. There wasn't a moment during the day when she allowed thoughts of the fire and her home; finding when she did she was able to easily turn them in the opposite direction. Being with Adell and her jovial personality made it all that more possible.

Behind her, the woman's footsteps walked briskly across the hardwood floor toward her. “There was a message on my answering machine. You are to call your insurance company.”

“Oh, thank you.” Her eyes lit up. At last she could settle this obligatory process and clear up her outstanding debts. Tomorrow she would begin immediately the search for a restoration and reconstruction firm to rebuild her father's home.

“You can take it in the study, it'll give you more privacy.”

Rushing eagerly down into the room, her mind envisioning two-by-fours, drywall, and shiny new red bricks she found the phone against the back desk. With excitement, she dialed the number.

She got through to the insurance company after the second ring and gave her name. They put her on hold for a few minutes while she anxiously waited. When the line was picked up again, the gentleman who assisted her and Dexter the day before came on the line.

He began with pleasantries than plunged right in to his call. “I'm afraid I have some bad news.”


“Yes, it seems your premium payment was paid late for the month of August. Unfortunately, we are unable to honor your contract with us.”

Laura felt as if someone just plunged a knife dead straight in her midriff. She couldn’t possibly have heard him correct. “I-I know it was a little late, I’ve been having some financial difficulties. But I mailed it in as soon as I had the funds.”

“We do offer a thirty-day grace period, however, you paid it on day thirty-five. I'm terribly sorry, but we won’t be able to help you.”

“No, no, no,” she pleaded into the phone. “There must be something you can do? I’ve been paying for that plan for years now.”