* * *

“If you don't mind, I'd like to see the house.” Laura addressed her statement to Dexter as they pulled onto the main street in Bracebridge.

They just completed their meeting with the insurance company, which looked hopeful she would receive compensation. Now came the time when she needed to face reality. Something she recommended Dexter ought to be thinking about.

“If you want.” He shrugged carelessly.

Glancing over at him, she knew he was still angry with her for what she had said earlier. She almost wished she could take the words back. After all, maybe it was none of her business. Wanting to be a part of his life and actually being considered a part of it, were two separate things.

On the other hand, she had helped herself to understand his seemingly emotionless and complex personality. Nearly made it possible and surprisingly, acceptable. It helped her to understand how she could come to care for a man such as himself. Yes, maybe she should have kept her thoughts to herself. Sometimes it's hard to accept something about oneself if you can't see what others see.

“But I warn you, it's not a pretty picture.” He said, interrupting her wayward thoughts. “Though it is salvageable.”

“You've already gone to see it?”

He nodded. “On my way home from the office.”

“Oh.” She looked down at her hands folded on her lap. “Is it bad?”

He nodded.

“I can handle it.” She stated with a false sense of bravery. “Take me.”

His sturdy chin lurched and his eyes met hers, altering the bluish hue to a dark feverish tinge.

Laura noticed the funny look cross his eyes and frowned. “What?”

With an effort he swallowed down hard on an emotion he needed desperately to get under control. Was the woman so naive, she honestly didn't see the double meaning

in her words? Lord, they hit him off guard like a cement block. Truth was, he wanted to take her, desperately. But it was emotions like those that were going to get him into trouble.

“To the house it is then.” He mumbled, not really wanting to take her. He could anticipate her reaction. And realized with a start, he wanted to protect her from it.

Laura smiled her thanks and turned her attention outside the window. She had come to learn there was no sense in thanking the man. He simply didn't want her thanks nor would he accept it.

Not long after they exited the downtown core and headed straight for the burnt shelter. Laura hadn't realized just how damaged it was until it came into view.

With a gasp she closed a hand over her mouth. The sight that welcomed them was dreadful. The complete roof of the home was missing where the attic once was situated. The rest of the home smelled of a foul burnt odor and was still smoldering in black charred remains. The once quant little home now looked forlorn and destitute.

Dexter watched her expression with pain. He knew he shouldn't have brought her here. Needing to console her, yet not wanting to express too much, he reached over and touched her shoulder.

It seemed it was all that was required though. She turned to him, tears streaming down her cheeks, eyes large and green. The greenest he had ever seen. He reached up and wiped a tear gently away.

Finding the courage out of nowhere, Laura took a shuddering breath before opening the car door and getting out. Dexter followed suit. He came around to the passenger side and took her arm in his hand.

“You don't need to do this.”

“Yes I do.” She stared despairingly up at the home.

They followed the walkway up to the house and on to the verandah. The first thing which struck her when she entered the home was the thick heavy smell still lingering in the air and the ugly black residue covering most of the walls and furniture. As they made a quick circuit of the bottom floor, she was surprised to discover most of the furniture was still intact aside from some smoke or water damage.

The second floor, however, wasn't as lucky. Most of the ceiling was missing exposing the clear blue sky above. The walls separating each of the rooms were naked down to their skeletons. With a bit of trepidation, she entered the room that had occupied Darcy and her baby. Her jaw dropped when her eyes fell upon a black charred crib.

“My God.” She clutched a hand to her heart. “She would have died.”

“You saved her life, Laura.”

She turned to look at him. “I couldn't leave her.”