“You're being ridiculous. It's pouring outside.”

“I'd rather wait for the next vehicle, thanks, so if you wouldn't mind opening this door!”

“I will not. There are barely any cars out on the road today because of the rain. You could be waiting for hours before the next one stopped.”

He growled a negative response.

Determinedly, she crossed her arms over her breast. “Dexter O'Reilly you are being childish. You won't even accept help from another.”

“Wrong. Just you.” He fiddled harder with the knob.

Laura sighed. “Do you have CAA?”

Disgruntled, he replied, “Generally no need for it.”

She shrugged. “Well, seems to me you have no other options.”

“Just let me out and I’ll walk to the closest farm and call a garage.”

“What’s wrong with your cellular?”

Slightly abashed, he shifted in his seat and answered shortly, “Dead.”

Exhaling what little patience she had left, she said “Look, call it even. You rescued me from the side of the road, more or less, and now it's my turn. It's the least I could do, considering you wouldn't accept my thanks.”

With an angry thrust he punched the paneled door before slumping back exasperated into his seat. “Just drop me off at the closest phone booth.”

“Fine,” she agreed, before turning the over-sized van back onto the road. A quick glance at his appearance once again, had her saying, “You better get out of those wet cloths, or you'll catch—”

“Keep your eyes on the road and mind your own business.” He grumbled before reaching down and slipping very expensive but very wet Dockers from his feet. ?

??With your track record, I would appreciate not landing in a ditch somewhere.”

She clamped her mouth shut from retorting something crude back, refraining from lowering herself to his level. Instead, she asked, “Is that why you didn't want me to pick you up? You think I'm a bad driver?”

He removed his socks and was ungraciously twisting water from them over the van floor.


“Send me the bill,” he snapped, before turning next to his soaking trench coat. “It's about the only money you'll get from me.”

“So, it was personal!”

“As I said, it's not a worthy investment.”

“You would actually allow seven young girls and a baby to freeze and starve because of your dislike for me?”

“It has nothing to do with you.”

“Hah! You could barely accept this ride. The other day in your office you would have liked nothing more than to throw me out on my backside.”

“Now that would have been a sight.”

“What is it with you?” she demanded angrily, receiving a scowl from her companion. “What is it you don't like about me? Ever since we first met, you've had it against me. Why?”

“I don't particularly like people.”

Laura frowned. “Me in particular.”