“Duh,” Mikey said, even as she gestured impatiently for him to get on with it.

“Jonathan didn’t get the scholarship,” he said, dropping his hand away. “I did.”

“And you let him take your spot,” Mikey said, knowing she was right before the words left her mouth because that was just the kind of thing that Sebastian would do for someone that he loved.

“Okay, then why don’t you apply somewhere else? What about Latin Scribe High School?” Mikey said, knowing that Uncle Jason would do everything he could to get him in.

“I wouldn’t let my parents spend forty thousand dollars a year on tuition and you suddenly think I’m going to be okay with them spending fifty thousand?” Sebastian asked, shaking his head.

“Maybe you’ll get offered another scholarship?” she said with a hopeful smile.

“I won’t,” the stubborn teenage boy who was really starting to piss her off, said.

“How do you know?” Mikey demanded, wondering why he had to make everything so damn difficult.

“It doesn’t matter anyway.”

“What are you talking about?” she absently asked even as she tried to figure out how she was going to manage to talk to Uncle Jason about helping Sebastian apply without breaking her promise when he managed to take her by surprise and said the one thing that she’d never expected him to say.

“I’m going to wait until I turn sixteen and get my GED so that I can go work for Uncle Jared full-time,” Sebastian said, shrugging it off like it was no big deal while she sat there staring at the boy who had clearly lost his mind and just in case he didn’t know, she decided that perhaps she should be the one to tell him.

Chapter 6

“Are you crazy?” Sebastian managed to get out before the crazed girl who had somehow managed to tackle him to the floor threw more facecloths at him.

“Yes!” Mikey hissed out as she blindly reached over, grabbed a handful of cotton balls and?

Forced him to turn his head before she could make him eat the damn things as she continued ranting at him. “You are not getting your GED! Do you hear me, Sebastian Bradford? You are going to find a way to get your stubborn butt back in school and you are going to?”

“What the hell is going on in here?” Aunt Kasey demanded, cutting Mikey off mid-rant.

Eyes narrowing in warning as she forced herself to release the handful of cotton swabs that he hadn’t seen her grab, Mikey slowly nodded her head and bit out, “This isn’t over,” as she climbed off him.

With one last glare, she turned to face her mother and said, “He called me a filthy Mudblood,” effectively keeping her word.

Without missing a beat, Aunt Kasey blinked at her daughter and asked, “Aren’t you?”

Nodding slowly, Mikey said, “We are no longer speaking.”

“At least he didn’t call you a Squib,” her mother said, making Sebastian bite back a smile as he got to his feet just in time to see Mikey narrow her eyes on her mother before she turned around and stormed off, leaving them to follow after her.

“Then I’ll go where I’m wanted, woman!” Mikey said with a huff as she grabbed her book, headed toward the front door, and?

“Don’t forget a jacket,” Aunt Kasey reminded her, sounding amused as she watched Mikey pause by the coatrack, narrow her eyes on both of them as she blindly reached up and pulled Sebastian’s sweatshirt off the hook.

Mumbling what he thought was, “Filthy Mudbloods,” she yanked his sweatshirt on and shoved her book in the large pocket before she continued to the front door where she once again paused so that she could shake her head in disgust and mumble, “This isn’t over,” as she let herself out.

“That was my sweatshirt,” Sebastian said, unable to help but frown because he actually liked that sweatshirt.

“Yeah, you’re never getting that back,” Aunt Kasey said with a pitying look before she returned her attention to whatever she was doing in the kitchen.

“That’s what I thought,” Sebastian said, sighing heavily as he headed outside in time to see Mikey, who was adorably pissed, storm across the front yard, pause when she came to the street to look both ways, giving him enough time to catch up with her, and once she was assured that it was safe to go, she stormed across the street, up his driveway, and let herself in the front door.

Sebastian closed the door behind them while Mikey grumbled to herself as she walked around the dinner table, pausing to pet his mother’s dogs and completely oblivious to the amused looks that his family was sending her before she dropped down in the seat next to Jonathan, grabbed a paper plate and helped herself to a slice of cheese pizza from one of the many pizza boxes piled high on the large kitchen table.

“Hey, sweetie, how was your day?” his mother asked him, smiling warmly as she finished pulling what he thought might be a pan of baked spaghetti with extra tomato sauce out of the oven before she walked over and pulled him down for a hug only to frown. “It’s freezing outside. Where’s your sweatshirt?”

“Mikey stole it,” Sebastian said, shrugging it off as he leaned down and kissed her cheek.