“Only if you’re sure.”

“I’m completely sure. I’ll make a tidy profit now that the house prices have gone up so much in town,” Robert went on.

He was right. Property in Southport had shot up with the opening of the new shops and restaurants in the development Tiffany Hardwell used to own. She had to sell it to settle her massive tax bill to the government once her shady dealings finally came out. She had avoided jail time but instead had to sell off most of her properties, including the Carmichael house in Southport.

I had been worried that now that Robert couldn’t dangle her tax evasion over her head, she’d share with the world what she knew about Robert. Because even though he had come clean with Adam and Jeremy, he still didn’t want everyone to know how he used to earn money.

Robert hadn’t been concerned. “I don’t think we have to worry about her. She’s got bigger fish to fry.”

It seemed he was right. We hadn’t heard a peep from her.

“Are you still okay going to Dad’s this weekend for dinner?” I asked him as we pulled up out front of the church.

“Of course. Wouldn’t miss it,” Robert assured me. “We have plans to watch the football game. I’m bringing my famous nachos.”

“You two are ridiculous.” I rolled my eyes but inwardly I was delighted. My parents had finally separated, and their divorce was due to be finalized in the next couple of months. My dad had moved into his own apartment downtown and my mom had packed up and left town.

I received a text from her now and then but honestly, I didn’t miss her. It felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. And Robert and my dad got on like a house on fire.

Robert took my hand as we walked up to the church. He checked his watch. “Look at that, right on time.”

“For Adam, this is late,” I reminded him.

We walked into the back of the church to find all of our friends already there and seated. Adam and Meg were at the front with the priest, holding baby Clara with Tyler hugging Adam’s leg. Whitney went and took the little boy’s hand and led him back to the pew where she was sitting with Kyle and Katie.

Jeremy and Lena were in the pew behind them with their two daughters Daisy and Anya. Lena saw us as we came in and waved us over. We walked down the aisle and slid into the pew next to them. Lena reached over and hugged me. “You were dangerously close to being late. Adam has already been asking where you two were,” Lena warned.

“It’s Skylar’s fault,” Robert teased, nudging me with his shoulder.

Jeremy gave us a wide smile. “I bet I know what you two were up to.”

Lena smacked his arm. “Not in front of the kids, Wyatt,” she hissed.

Her husband looked properly mollified. “Sorry, babe.” He kissed her sweetly but then gave us another wolfish grin.

Robert shook his head.

“Oh my god!” Lena gasped, lifting my hand. “Jeremy, would you get a load of that ring!” She held up my hand, tilting it this way and that in the light, the diamond glinting madly.

“So, you finally did it. You’ve been agonizing over it for months now.” Jeremy patted Rob on the back.

“Well done, Jenkins. That’s a fine piece of jewelry,” Web commented, turning around in his seat. “Congrats, you two.”

“This is wonderful news, Sky,” Whitney beamed, leaning back, and hugging me.

“What’s going on? What are we missing?” Meg asked, appearing at the end of the pew.

“Robert and Skylar are engaged!” Lena exclaimed, lifting my hand even higher for Meg and Adam to see.

“Oh my god, Sky! That’s so wonderful!” Then she glared at me. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I only just asked her last night, Meg. And we didn’t want to take away from Clara’s big day,” Robert interjected.

“Oh, nonsense. This just makes the day even better!” Meg smiled. “This makes me so happy.” She started to get teary, dabbing at her eyes.

“Sweetheart, don’t cry,” Adam soothed, hugging her tightly with one arm while holding Clara in the other.

Meg gave us all a watery smile. “I’m just so happy having you all here.” She beamed at her friends and her and Adam’s parents who were in the front row. “We’ve all come so far and look at us. All here together.”

She wiped her tears with the back of her hand. “Come here, Skylar Murphy, I want to hug you.”

Grumbling, I got out of the pew and let my best friend embrace me. Adam and Kyle soon joined us, the four of us huddled together with the way we always had been. My best friends.

“Okay, we need to start this thing,” Adam said after a few minutes and I noticed that even he was looking a little teary-eyed.