“I’m sure Tiff told you all about how we met,” I started.

“Sure did, Billy the sexy barrister.” She didn’t sneer or say it sarcastically. She actually seemed amused.

“It really was the dumbest name,” I conceded.

“The dumbest. It sounds like a bad porno,” she snorted before narrowing her eyes again.

“That’s how I know Will, by the way. He was a dancer as well. He went by Wolfgang.” I raised an eyebrow. “Wolfgang Fuck.”

Skylar covered her mouth, trying not to laugh. “You’re messing with me. Wolfgang Fuck? Who the hell came up with these names?”

“Darla the manager was the one that named us. Michael was Bobby the Buff Builder. It was supposed to be a play on Bob the Builder—”

“I get it. No need to explain,” she cut in. “So that’s how you know the guy who built my sunroom. It seems your former dancing buddies are everywhere.”

I ignored the barb in her voice and kept going, needing to get this all out there. “Tiffany came in one night and paid me for a private dance.”

Skylar held her hand up. “I’ll tell you the same thing I told her, spare me the details of your sexual past, please.”

“I would never—my god, Skylar, I wouldn’t do that to you. What did she say?” I was sickened at the thought of what Tiffany may have shared with Sky. She really was a heartless witch.

“She didn’t get the chance to say much about any of that,” she smirked.

“Good. I’m sure you put her in her place.” God, I loved this woman. She was fierce and strong and put up with no shit from anyone. Not even me.

“Go on,” she waved me to continue.

“Even though I worked as an exotic dancer, I had very little experience, if you know what I mean. I wasn’t a virgin, but not far from it. During the time I knew Tiffany, I learned she was quite adept at finding young men, like myself, who were desperate in one way or another. She’d make us feel special, loved. She gave us a sense of power we were missing in our lives. For all her faults, she’s incredibly charming. It was easy to let her talk me into anything she wanted. I wanted to please her.” My mouth was dry as I spoke about things I hadn’t shared with anyone; I had never opened myself up like this before. It was uncomfortable and scary. But I also felt relief; a burden was being lifted.

“I can see that. I was taken in by her, that’s for sure. I had no idea the type of person she was when I met her. Though given how easily I was snowed by Mac and now you, I have to start questioning my ability to read people at all,” she retorted. Her words stung. They broke something inside of me. I hated that she compared me to her ex who cheated on her and stole all her money. She equated us as the same.

How could I ever expect her to get over that?

Swallowing my pain, I kept going.

“She used sex to ensure her...employees’ compliance. I was consumed by her, by the lifestyle. I was making so much money I didn’t know what to do with it all. I was able to pay for Sam’s independent living facility. I bought Mom the house she lives in. I got a new car. I bought my own house. It was overwhelming and intoxicating and it was all thanks to Tiffany. But then something changed.”

Skylar was clenching her hands together so tightly I could see the whites of her knuckles. “What changed?” she asked softly.

“I didn’t have sex with my clients—well not at first. In the beginning, I would simply escort them to parties or have dinner with them in fancy restaurants. I was pretty arm candy and nothing more. But then I was asked to provide ‘weekend companionship’ to a friend of Tiffany’s. It was a woman she had known for years. Her name was Margie. Her husband was some tech tycoon and he had gone away for the weekend. Margie paid a lot of money for me to spend the weekend with her. In the back of my mind, I knew what would be expected of me, but I stupidly believed Tiffany when she said I had a choice with how far I would go.” I let out a noise of disgust. “I was such a naive fool. Because Margie had very specific requests. And I wasn’t allowed to leave until I provided what she asked for. I needed the money. Sam’s fees were due. I had Mom’s mortgage to pay for. I was working my butt off in law school so eventually, I wouldn’t have to do this anymore, but for the time being, I felt stuck by my responsibilities.” I ran a hand down my face, not wanting to look at Skylar when I said this next part. “So, I fucked Margie. And after that, I was expected to fuck each and every one of them.”