“I really like her. She’s so nice. And pretty too. You should marry her. Then she could be my sister. Mom will like her too,” Sam assured me.

I pulled him into a hug, never wanting to let go. I missed him so much and didn’t get to see him nearly enough. “I’m glad you like her. And I really like Jill. I like that she makes you smile so much,” I told him.

And when we left, Sam gave Skylar a huge hug and told her he couldn’t wait to see her again.

That only left Mom.

But I knew that if Sam approved, then Mom would too. Dinner at her house on Saturday evening was great. Skylar was relaxed and when she offered to do the dishes, she firmly cemented her place in my mother’s heart.

“She’s wonderful, Robbie,” Mom said quietly as Skylar took the dishes into the kitchen.

“I know she is,” I agreed.

“You’ve never brought a woman home to meet me before. You must be serious about her.” Mom got to her feet and gathered up a load of plates and cutlery to help Skylar.

“I am, Mom. This is the real deal.” I could hear the confidence in my voice. I meant it. I had no doubts about Skylar Murphy. I could only hope she felt the same.

Everything had been great. Skylar and I spent our last night in Philly wandering the streets with our arms tight around each other. We took in the sights we had both seen a hundred times before but somehow felt different seeing them together. And back in our suite at the Four Seasons, we made love all night long, neither of us wanting to sleep, neither of us wanting to miss a moment with each other.

“I love you, Skylar,” I whispered into her hair after she had eventually fallen asleep. My body was curled tightly around her, her flesh pressed against mine. Her head was tucked beneath my chin. I didn’t want to move a muscle for fear of waking her. I kissed her temple. “I love you so much.”

She didn’t hear me, which was just as well. I wasn’t sure she was ready to hear how deep my feelings went for her.

Which made our parting once we were back in Southport so much harder.

“Do you want to stay over? I’ve got to go pick up Edgar, but we could order a pizza, watch a movie?” she suggested as I walked her to her front door. I was already depressed at the thought of leaving her. Because I couldn’t stay.

My phone had buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out, already knowing what it would be. It was a message from a repeat client on my website. The one I called ‘Darling.’ She was asking for an hour session tonight. I didn’t want to do it. I wanted to stay with Skylar. But the money was too much to pass up.

“I have a bunch of work to do on a case. Being gone all weekend has put me behind,” I had lied way too easily. She didn’t question me. Why would she? She didn’t think I’d be dishonest. I had given her no reason to doubt me.

I hated myself for it.

So here I was, the music was thumping, and I was trying to find my way into this space I occupied so effortlessly before, and all I could think about was Skylar. Of how much I wanted to be with her at that very moment. Of how just twelve hours before I had her skin beneath me, my cock deep inside her.

I missed her and I had only dropped her at home a couple of hours ago.

I paused the music and turned to face the laptop screen where whoever “Darling” was watching me. “I’m sorry, just give me a minute.” I turned the camera off and went to get a drink of water.

I had to get it together. I had never had a problem slipping into this alter ego before.

I had never been in love like this before either.

All I could think about was if Skylar knew what I was doing when I told her I couldn’t stay over. What would she say if she knew about this secret I kept? Would she understand? Would she be disgusted?

My phone dinged and I saw a message coming through on my website. It was from ‘Darling’ asking if I was going to start soon.

The person had paid 3,000 dollars for an hour-long dance. I had all my props ready. I planned to pull out all the stops. That was a lot of money for an hour of my time. I could do this.

I went back to the laptop and turned the camera on. My face was blurred, the focus on my body. I started the music again, my hips starting to move. When I went to undo my pants, my hand froze. The image of Skylar unbuckling my belt last night after we got back to the hotel room clear in my mind. I closed my eyes and tried to stay in the moment. This process usually turned me on. I enjoyed it. This time I could only think about Skylar and how I wished she were the one I was dancing for.