“We used to play basketball with Dad all the time, didn’t we Robbie?” Sam said. “Robbie was on the basketball team. I liked going to watch him play. I’d paint my face and make a sign. Mom would make her famous chicken alfredo after your game.”

“It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun.” I leaned into Robert. “I like hearing all these stories.”

“Oh, the game’s on!” Sam jumped to his feet, waving his foam finger. “Come on guys, you can do this!” Robert joined his brother and the two of them were hooting and hollering like they were there in person.

After a few minutes, Robert pulled me to my feet. “Come on, Sky!” I grinned at Jill who had been coerced by Sam.

“Shall we show ‘em how this is done, Jill?” I winked at her and she nodded vigorously.

I put my arm around the smaller woman and we both started jumping up and down and yelling at the screen. I had no real idea what was going on, but we were having a great time. I shouted and booed along with Robert and Sam. At halftime, Sam and Jill went into the kitchen to get more snacks together. Robert pulled me close and kissed me. “Thank you for being so wonderful,” he whispered against my mouth. “I appreciate you treating him like he’s a person and not some dumb kid.” His eyes clouded and his mouth turned downwards.

“Why would anyone act like that? Sam’s an adult. He’s not stupid just because he has a disability,” I said in disbelief.

Robert’s eyes became bright, and he kissed me again. This time when he was finished, he pressed his forehead against mine and closed his eyes. “How did I survive before I met you?” he murmured, and I thought I was going to overflow with feelings I had never experienced before.

“I’ve been asking myself the same thing,” I responded, knowing that I never wanted to be away from this man. Ever.

Chapter Twelve


It seemed when things were flying high that fear of falling became paralyzing.

I was happy. Happier than I could ever remember being. But I was terrified too. For the first time in my life, I felt trapped by the choices I made. About the direction my life had gone in.

Dancing and stripping had once been freeing. It had provided me a means of taking care of my family. I felt powerful and wanted. I knew that the people who paid me to take off my clothes desired what I could give them. For those hours I showed my body, I became someone else, someone I never had the confidence to be in my usual world.

I had always been proud of that side of myself.

Now I wanted to forget that Robert Jenkins existed. Because every time I logged onto my website, every time I started a new session and took the money, I felt as if I were betraying Skylar. When I made excuses as to why I couldn’t see her—even though I desperately wanted to—I hated myself a little bit more. I never wanted to feel shame for what I chose to do, yet I did. Not for the act itself, but for the duplicity.

The weekend in Philly had been a game-changer in our relationship. I knew that by opening my life to Skylar I was taking us to a whole new level. Introducing your girlfriend to the family was a huge step for anyone. Even more so for the guy who kept all segments of his life apart.

I had been a little worried about how Skylar would take Sam. I loved Sam more than anything. He was my big brother. My best friend. He was a huge part of my heart. I knew Skylar would accept him, but I still feared that she would pity him—and in turn, pity me.

I should have known better.

She embraced Sam. She threw herself in with both feet. She accepted him without question and in turn he absolutely loved her. When we were getting ready to leave, I pulled my brother aside to talk with him privately. I always did a check-in to make sure things were okay with him, that people were being kind. I had spent my life looking out for him and that would never change.

“You and Jill seem happy,” I said as I helped him clean up. Skylar and Jill were sitting in the living room. Skylar was showing Sam’s girlfriend pictures of graphics she had created. Jill was particularly interested in the advertising graphics Sky had done for a cat food company.

“I love her, Robbie. I love her so much.” His dark eyes were big as he looked at me. “Do you love Sky?”

I nodded. “I do, Sam. I really do.” It was easy to admit these things to Sam. I could tell him anything.