“God, you look gorgeous,” he breathed, looking up at me. He quickly tucked his phone in his pocket and crossed the room to me in long strides. He gently swept my hair behind my shoulders and kissed my forehead, his lips lingering there. It was more intimate than any other kiss he could give me.

I closed my eyes briefly, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. “Thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself.” My voice cracked and I had to swallow around the lump that had formed there. Stony, stoic Skylar Murphy had dissolved into an emotive pile of goo. All because of Robert freaking Jenkins.

“We should get going. Our reservations are at eight.” He picked up my jacket, holding it open for me to put on.

He took my hand, lifting it to his mouth and kissing the knuckles. We made our way to the lobby, where Robert asked the concierge to get us a taxi. Ten minutes later we were standing outside a brightly lit restaurant. It was packed. I could also see a line that had formed along the sidewalk, waiting to get in.

“Wow, this looks like a popular spot,” I observed as we made our way to the maître d. “How in the world did you get reservations at such short notice?”

“The head chef is an old friend of mine. Will Stetson.” Robert gave his name to the man at the door.

“Will Stetson is your friend? Jesus, Rob, way to be all blasé about being friends with an actual celebrity,” I gasped as the maître d immediately led us inside. Will Stetson was a well-known Michelin star chef from Philadelphia. He had cooked for everyone from the president to Lady Gaga. I used to watch his cooking show religiously.

“I didn’t realize you knew who he was,” Robert said.

“I haven’t been living under a rock,” I sputtered. “How do you know him again?”

The maître d stopped at what appeared to be one of the nicest tables in the restaurant. It was a concealed booth lit with ambient lighting.

We sat down and he ordered us a bottle of wine and the rather stiff man said he’d inform Mr. Stetson that we had arrived. I looked at the menu, not knowing where to start.

Robert took the menu from my hands and set it to the side. “Will said he’d make us a tasting menu. It will be a mixture of several dishes.”

A pretty young woman came to our table with the bottle of wine, pouring it into our glasses before leaving it in a shiny bucket of ice at the side of our table. “Mr. Stetson says he’s provided you with a special menu of courses. You’re in for a real treat,” she gushed.

“Thank you, we’re looking forward to it,” Robert smiled, his eyes only on me. Once the waitress left he lifted his glass. “To a wonderful weekend together.”

I clinked my glass to his. “To your family not hating me and me not spilling food all over my dress in this super fancy restaurant.”

We both laughed and Robert took my hand. “Even if you spill stuff all over you, you’ll still be the most beautiful woman in the room.” His eyes were warm as he looked at me and he made me believe everything he said.

Our waitress brought three different appetizers to start us off. It all looked amazing. I took a bite of what was described as crab risotto with green chili and puffed rice. “Oh my god. I think I’ve died and gone to heaven,” I moaned.

“You have to try this. It’s black truffle and mozzarella ravioli.” Robert and I swapped plates and then ate the Spanish octopus with crispy garlic together.

“Your friend is one hell of a cook,” I complimented, wiping my mouth.

“So, I take you two are enjoying yourselves?” a deep voice said from beside me. I looked up at Will Stetson, chef to the stars. He was even better looking in person. His insanely good looks were one of the reasons he became such a hit. It was one thing to cook well, it was another to look like a Greek god while you’re doing it.

“Will, it’s so good to see you.” Robert got to his feet and hugged his friend, who seemed really happy to see him. “Thank you so much for getting us in tonight.” He sat down and took my hand. “Will, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Skylar Murphy. Sky, this is Will Stetson.”

Girlfriend. Robert just called me his girlfriend. I was positively giddy inside.

Will held out his hand, which I shook. “It’s so nice to meet you, Skylar. I can see why Robbie here is so smitten.”

I felt myself blush. “I bet you say that to all the women drooling over your crab risotto,” I joked.

Will laughed. “So, you like it? It’s one of the more popular dishes here.”