“You’re special to me,” I started again, “and if you’re special to me, then you’ll be special to them.” I thought briefly about the phone call I had with Tiffany earlier. A thread of disquiet unfurled in my gut at what she might do because I wasn’t bowing to her wishes. I’d have to tell Skylar about Tiffany at some point. I knew that with absolute certainty.

But this weekend wasn’t that time. This weekend was about starting a new chapter with a woman I was coming to love very much.

“For a guy that usually doesn’t have a lot to say, you’re pretty good with the whole calming people down thing,” she smirked.

“Maybe I’m just good at calming you down,” I suggested. I leaned across the console and kissed her. She let out a little sigh as she opened her mouth and I tasted her thoroughly. I pulled away after a few minutes. “Feel better?”

She smiled. “Much.”

“Then let's get this show on the road.” I re-fastened my seat belt and pulled back onto the highway.

The rest of the drive was uneventful, and we checked into the Four Seasons in downtown Philly a little over an hour later.

“Fancy,” Skylar remarked as we took the elevator up to our suite. I had splurged and booked the Landmark Corner Suite that overlooked the city. I wasn’t the kind of man to spend an exorbitant amount of money on high-end hotels and over-the-top meals, but for Skylar, I would make an exception. I wanted her to have the best weekend I could give her.

Okay, so what if I was trying to impress her? From the way her eyes widened when I opened the door to our suite, I was pretty sure I was off to a good start.

“Damn, Jenkins. I didn’t realize business was this good,” she joked, heading straight for the wall of glass that overlooked the city. She stared down, pressing her hands to the windows. “It’s a good thing I don’t have a fear of heights.”

I came up behind her, snaking an arm around her waist and pulling her back against me. I leaned down and kissed the side of her neck. “It’s a good thing we’re so far up, that way no one will see me fucking you against this window later.” I felt her shiver and was immensely proud of myself.

She turned in my arms, her hands on my belt buckle. “Why wait until later?” She raised an eyebrow and that was all the encouragement I needed.

Chapter Eleven


I gave my dark hair a final brush and looked at myself in the mirror.

Damn, I looked good.

It wasn’t just the dress that I had bought on a whim when Rob suggested we take a trip out of town. It wasn’t just the glow on my skin that was a result of having my brains screwed out not once but twice since we checked in.

I knew what it was.

It was happiness.

I couldn’t remember another time in my life when I felt this warmth bursting in the center of my chest. Everything felt right. It felt like I had been building up to this moment, with this man.

Because it was very clear to me that I was madly, stupidly in love with Robert Jenkins.

And that terrified me.

But it was exhilarating at the same time. He wasn’t Mac and he wasn’t my parents. He was every sweet, honest, wonderful thing I could have ever imagined.

I never got dressed up. My usual uniform consisted of jeans and t-shirts. If you had asked me six months ago if I would enjoy getting all dolled up to go out to a fancy-schmancy restaurant I would have yelled ‘hell no!’

But now, I was giddy with excitement. I felt good. I felt powerful. I felt sexy as hell. Because Robert made me feel that way. And because I felt that. I wouldn’t attribute all this newfound awesomeness to Robert alone. It had a lot to do with me and finally getting rid of that massive, heavyweight that had been holding me down my whole life.

For the first time, I could picture a life without the worry of being hurt.

I came out of the bathroom and stopped for a moment to stare at...was he my boyfriend? Is that what I should call him? What else was he?

He was staring down at his phone frowning, his brown hair that he kept shaggy, hung in his face. His glasses perched on the edge of his nose. He was wearing a tailored pair of black slacks and a fitted green shirt. I could see the definition of his body and I felt my panties getting wet again at the memory of touching that chiseled flesh. Of how only an hour ago he had me bent over the bed, his fingers digging into my hips as he…