But then she went to see my mother. She told her she was my boss and that she was worried about me. That I was talking about walking away from a great opportunity and that she thought she should talk to Mom so she could talk ‘sense’ into me. She told my mother that the job was how I paid for the house and for Sam’s care. My mother had been confused and upset, thinking something was wrong with me. Tiffany never outright told my mother what I did for money, but she made it clear, by visiting my family, that she would if I crossed her.

She had overstepped the line and I wasn't putting up with it.

My mom had called me just as I was leaving my new apartment to go to my next ‘date.’ But when I heard the worry in her voice, I decided I wasn’t going to the date. I wasn’t going on any ‘dates’ ever again.

I went straight to Tiffany’s. I was done with her games and machinations. She had held me under her thumb long enough. Once you messed with my family, you were done.

Tiffany slinked toward me, using her body to full advantage. She was expecting me to succumb to her charms as I had every other time before. She wrapped herself around me, kissing my chin. “Baby, I just wanted to know you mother. To tell her I was worried about you. Because I am, Robbie. I’m so worried about you.” She went on her tiptoes and kissed my mouth. Normally this was the part where I’d let her have her way. I’d pick her up and carry her to bed.

Not this time.

I pushed her away. “I’m done, Tiffany. This is over. Leave me the fuck alone.”

“You don’t mean that. You need me. How will you take care of your family? You like that nice apartment don’t you? All the things I do for you?” she purred, touching me again. Her hands sliding inside my pants. “We have a good thing, you and me. I do things for you,” she squeezed my junk with experienced fingers, “you do things for me.” She took my hand and placed it on her breast. “Now stop all this nonsense and make me feel good, Robbie.”

I ripped her hand from my pants and moved away from her. “This is all about control for you. And you choose men—boys really—who don’t know any better. You made me think you cared about me.” I shook my head. “I was such an idiot.”

Tiffany looked stricken; she was a hell of a good actress. “Robbie, I do care about you. I love you. So much. I don’t know what I’ll do if you leave me. I won’t be able to bear it.” She turned on the waterworks, her lovely face crumpling.

“I know you’re not wearing that get up for me, Tiff, so stop with the tears. They won’t work,” I said coldly, and just like that, she stopped crying.

She wiped her face, instantly sobering. “Fine. But you can’t walk away until I tell you that you can. We have an arrangement. I would hate for your poor, sweet mother to know where all that cash came from.”

There it was. The threats.

I advanced on her and got in her face. But not in the way she expected or wanted. She cowered slightly in the face of my anger. “You will leave my family alone. You will leave me alone. After I walk out that door I never want to see you again, Tiffany. And if you contact any of my family that can be construed as harassment. I’ve passed the bar, I’m an attorney now. I know the laws. And I know how to make them work for me.” I wasn’t going to be played by her any longer. “I will have my stuff out of your apartment by the end of the day. I’ll leave the keys with the doorman.”

Sick of looking at her, I turned to leave.

“Don’t go, Robbie. Please,” she called out, sounding slightly desperate. I ignored her.

When I opened the door, a guy stood there. He looked bewildered at the sight of me. He was Tiffany’s type. Good looking and young. “Uh, hello? Is Tiffany here?” he asked, trying to peer around me.

“Go on in. But let me give you a word of warning, my friend. She’s a snake. And she’ll ruin you if you let her.” The guy frowned, clearly in the early lovesick days of their acquaintance. Poor fool.

Without another word, I left it all behind.


“If you lovelies wouldn’t mind, I’d love to catch up with my old friend for a few minutes. It’s been a long time.” Tiffany leveled me with a long, scorching look. “Too long.”

Adam, Jeremy, and Lena shared a look. “Of course,” Lena said, already backing out of my office.