“For a desk-bound lawyer type, you sure are in shape.” Her smoldering eyes took in my now bare chest and arms. I had taken off my shirt after the first round of musical furniture. “Even Kyle had a hard time carrying that couch, but you moved it easily.”

She handed me a glass of water and I drank it greedily. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and put the now empty glass on the coffee table. “What can I say? I like to work out.”

Her gaze swept the length of me and I felt hot all over again. “You sure do hide a lot under all those suits.” She bit down on her bottom lip and I felt my groin tighten.

“Skylar…” Her name sounded strangled in my mouth. I could feel where this was headed. I knew the way she was looking at me, what she was thinking.

We were on the same wavelength completely.

“Is there anything else you need to be moved?” I asked, hating to kill the moment, but needing to at the same time. Because if I didn’t…

I turned back to look at her, she was standing so close. The warmth of her was intoxicating.

“Skylar?” I said her name again. I loved saying her name.

Then I reached for her. And she reached for me. We came together in a chaotic clash of skin and lips and teeth.

I attacked her mouth like a man drowning. She clung to me, her fingers gripping my naked skin. We kissed like we never wanted to stop. I knew she didn’t want to, and I didn’t either.

Her hands ran down my chest and I groaned in the back of my throat. I wanted her so badly I could hardly stand upright. In a rush, we dropped to our knees, still kissing. Still touching. I couldn’t get enough of her. I ripped her shirt over her head and threw it across the room. The sight of her bare breasts had me almost blowing a load right then and there.

I palmed her left breast while working on the button of her jeans.

This was moving fast. Faster than I meant it to.

If I didn’t put a halt to this quickly, I was going to be balls deep inside her before I knew it.

And god, I wanted to be balls deep inside her.

“Skylar,” I moaned her name. She was kissing a line from my mouth to my ear lobe, sucking it into her mouth.

I unzipped her pants and reached inside. She was soaking. Fucking hell. The second I touched her I was undone. I knew that I was quickly approaching the point where I wouldn’t stop. That I couldn’t stop.

I needed to stop.


I withdrew my hand and sat back on my heels. I ran a shaky hand through my hair. “I’m sorry, Sky, I have to go.” I got to my feet and put on my shirt. Skylar stood up, watching me with a closed-off expression. Her mouth was tender and raw from our kisses and god, I wanted to kiss her again.

I didn’t want to hurt her, but I knew this couldn’t go any further. Otherwise, she’d want to get to know me…

Not able to help myself, I reached out to her. I wanted to pull her close. I wanted to make her smile again.

She evaded my touch. “You’d better go then,” was all she said, her voice clipped and cool.

I picked up my phone. I hesitated. I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to stay. I wanted to spend time with her.

I had to go.

“I’ll see you later,” I said to her as she followed me to the door.

“Sure.” She gave me one last, penetrating look, then closed the door behind me.


Being so close to her, I couldn’t help but remember what it felt like to touch her. To kiss her. And from the way her neck flushed every time I stood near her, I knew she was thinking about it too.

Adam and Meg were laughing about some funny thing Tyler had said. Skylar chuckled along with them. I smiled. But neither of us was really giving our attention to our friends.

I was too focused on being in the same room with her.

I didn’t think pursuing her was a good idea, yet I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Our lives intersected in so many ways, it was impossible to avoid the intense attraction I felt. But it didn’t matter what I felt because Skylar made it pretty damn clear she wanted nothing to do with me.

And I deserved it. After that day at her house, she had effectively shut me out of her life. I had tried to call her. More than once. Okay, probably at least a dozen times. She never answered. When I saw her around town, she made sure to go in the opposite direction.