“It’s Oliver,” I tell him, heading toward the door. Upon opening it, Oliver barrels into my legs, and Leo stands there smiling, holding onto his bag.

“He’s been excited since dinner to come to see Beckham,” Leo says, looking behind me at where Beckham is now standing.

“Well, we shall not disappoint.” Beckham follows Oliver to his room to show him all the things he got today, and I turn back around to Leo.

“Anderson doesn’t want to know Oliver. It was all his mother’s doing,” Leo says.

“She’s left. She is no longer in the country. She met a man. It was quick and now she’s moving to Paris.” Relief washes over me. “She just informed me, and I wanted you to know.” I nod, smiling.

Glancing over Leo’s shoulder, I see Glenn getting out of Leo’s car.

“Did Glenn go with you?” I ask, confused.

“No, I picked him up on the way. He’s lonely, and well …” He looks back at him, and Glenn offers me a small wave before he meets us on the porch.

“Nice to see you, Jacinta. I hear my boy is here.” As he says the words, Beckham appears. His hand slides to my waist while his brows pinch in confusion.

“Are you two …” I ask, not sure how to finish the sentence.

“I think we are,” Leo says, smiling back at him. “Glenn isn’t around when I have Oliver, but I was hoping, given time, he could get to know him as well.”

“I’m happy you’re happy.” And I am. Glenn is an amazing guy who lost the only person he ever loved. His daughter, Paige, and Beckham’s first love. And from what I have heard, he hasn’t been the same since. And today, he is standing in front of me smiling.

I can’t wait to tell August.

“I’ll tell August,” Glenn says, looking at both of us. “I’m glad to see you back, Beckham, I always knew you were bound to be a father. A good one, too. You have always had that kind of soul.”

I turn around to look at Beckham to see his reaction to those words.

“Goodnight, gentlemen,” Beckham says.

Glenn smiles, knowing full well how Beckham is and nods to me before he walks back to the car.

“Next weekend still okay?” Leo asks.

“Yes. Why don’t we make it a regular thing? He loves hanging out with you. How about every second weekend he spends one night at yours?”

Leo beams proudly and leaves with a, “Thank you.”

Beckham shuts the door. “Now, where were we?” he asks, pushing me up against the door and sliding his hand up my skirt.

“Oliver,” I remind him.

“Occupied with my phone.”

That will keep him busy for a while.

“What about photos on your phone? You don’t have any naked women on there, do you?”

“One day, yes, I plan to photograph you naked and have it as my screen saver.”

I smile at his answer as he lifts and carries me to my bedroom. He throws me on the bed, and we are quick with removing our clothes. Once we’re both naked, he comes over and sits. I climb onto his lap and wrap my legs around his waist.

“I love you, too,” I say to him as he reaches for his cock between us and positions it so I can slide down.

“I already knew.” He smirks, then leans forward to bite my lip.

“I could be lying,” I say, my head dropping back. He takes the opening to bite my neck, then slides his teeth down until he reaches my breasts and bites them too.

“Now that is a lie.”

And he’s right.

Oh boy, is he right.

“You should make me tell the truth all the time,” I taunt him, my body moving against his. I go to say more, but he grips and holds me down on him, stopping any form of movement.

It’s torture.

My body wants what his can give and is currently not.

“I’m not lying,” I say, and he loosens his hold on me, bites my ear before he proceeds to fuck me until I see stars.

And what magical stars they are.

Chapter 28


I haven’t left Jacinta’s house for two weeks. I go to work, then take her home.

I like being around her.

Consumed by her.

She slides her hands up under my arms and hugs me from behind as we get out of the car and walk to her house. As we reach the door, she pulls back and stops.

“Your mother is here.”

I turn and see my mother getting out of her car. She straightens her dress, her heels digging into the grass as she walks over to us.

Assessing eyes fall on me, then Jacinta, who’s now standing by my side, frozen to the spot.

We haven’t spoken of my mother since the incident a few weeks ago. She made no attempt to apologize, so I made no attempt to contact her.

“Did you take a wrong turn?” I ask.