
“August. Did you love him?” His dark eyes find mine, and his hands remain in the sink as he washes the last dish. He’s waiting patiently for me to answer.

I didn’t think he would ask me that, actually. I didn’t think Beckham would ask me much about my life at all. I didn’t think he would care enough to ask such questions.

“Yes,” I say.

His chest rises and falls at my words. He turns back to the dishes and continues.

“But not in the way he loves Rylee,” I finally say. “I’m starting to see that I loved him, yes, but I was never really in love with him. Probably because his heart always belonged to her, and I was just a fixture in waiting until she came back.”

“I’m pretty sure I love you.”

My heart stops at his words.

My eyes go wide.

I can’t move.

How do you respond to someone who says that, who has never given you anything but their body before? Never given you one ounce of anything but anguish.

I open my mouth and shut it.

He isn’t facing me, but I know he’s waiting for my response.

The doorbell rings, and I make no move to answer it until it rings again. Then I walk past him to the front door, opening it to Leo, who’s standing there. He smiles at me as Oliver runs over. I don’t like to bring up Anderson and his mother around Oliver, so I keep my mouth shut in regard to what’s happening with them or if he’s heard from them. Leo steps into the house to grab Oliver’s bag and flinches when he sees Beckham wiping his hands on a dishtowel.

“Beckham …” he pauses. “Nice to see you.”

Beckham nods and goes back to cleaning.

Cleaning? Who is this man, and what has he done with the man who barks orders at me?

“We should be back tonight. The circus is a little later in the day, then I am going to take him to the park to run around a bit. Then I will feed him before we come back if that’s okay with you?”

“That will be lovely,” I say, smiling. I bend down to kiss Oliver, and he hugs me, then runs over to Beckham and cuddles him as well. Beckham pauses as Oliver wraps his arms around him from behind and taps his hand with a smile on his face.

“Have a good day, kid.” I shut the door when they leave, and when I turn, he’s right there in front of me.

Beckham’s lip curls and I’m reminded of what a cruel man he can be.

But he isn’t that way with me right now.

No, he looks as if he’s planning all the ways he could eat me.

“I’m sure you have plans today,” I say, my hands flat against the door.

He steps up closer until I can feel his breath on my face. “I’m sure I do.”

“Hmm …”

“And you can accompany me. Like in one hour, I’m meant to be at my mother’s house for lunch. And you’re coming.”

“I don’t think that’s a smart idea,” I say breathlessly.

He doesn’t seem to care though as he leans in and grips my chin softly, lifting it up so I have to look straight into his eyes. “It is. I’m going to introduce you as my girl.”

I suck in a quick, shallow breath. “That’s for sure not a smart idea.”

“Why? Do you plan to fuck other men?”

I shake my head.

“Do you plan to date other men?”

I shake my head again.

“Well, I think it’s a splendid idea then.” Beckham leans in close, his lips ghosting on mine. “Now, I think …” he looks down at his watch, “… we have an hour to kill. What do you say we shower?”

“I’m already clean.”

He licks my neck, and I’m so shocked by it that no words leave me.

“I disagree. Now, come, let me clean you.” Beckham turns, gripping my hand, and pulls me with him.

I can’t help the giggle that leaves my mouth.

How did I manage to bag this man?

Beckham is literally unlike any other man I have ever met.

As soon as we reach the shower, he turns to me and pulls my dress off in one fell swoop, then he takes a step back, his eyes roaming my body. A part of me wants to cover up, but with the way his eyes are devouring me, I know he wouldn't like it.

“I think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met.”

The way he says it leaves no room for argument. Beckham removes his shirt and jeans, then he turns on the faucet in my small shower. I wonder how we’re both going to fit in there. But as he steps in over the lip of the bathtub and stands there, he offers me his hand, and I gladly take it and step in after him.