Georgie giggles before she races over, tugs a sticker of a rainbow into her palm. It ends up on her cheek.

“How do we look?” she asks with outstretched arms.

“Beautiful,” I whisper. “You’re both so beautiful.”

Chapter 47


I glance over to see Bianca cutting a tomato. This feels good. It feels so damn good to have her here.

“How are you doing?” I ask softly. “Are you good?”

The smile on her face answers the question before she does. “I’m so good, Roman.”

I season the salmon steaks that I bought on my way home from work. “The girls adore you.”

Resting the knife down on the cutting board, Bianca turns toward me. “I feel the same way about them. I haven’t been around many kids, but they’re special. They seem special to me.”

I glance down because I’m overcome with emotion.

When she first sat down next to me at Rolly’s, I wanted her. I wanted to kiss her and fuck her. I wanted to experience that with her, but it’s different now.

I still want that. Jesus, do I want that.

I also want this. It’s a weekday dinner that we cook together side-by-side while my girls play in the main room. I want her here for our bedtime story and breakfast. Hell, I want her here all the time.

Closing the distance between us with a few heavy steps, I lower my voice. “This feels right.”

She gazes into my eyes. “It does to me too.”

The words I’ve been longing to say to her sit on my lips. I want Bianca to understand the depth of my feelings. I need her to know that I’d move heaven and earth to make her happy. I love her.

Instead of saying a thing, I lean forward and kiss her softly on the mouth.

“Daddy!” Dora screeches from a few feet away. “Daddy loves Bianca. He’s kissing her.”

Bianca’s gaze darts behind her, but I keep mine on the woman I love.

Georgie comes racing in. “I missed the kiss.”

Bianca turns back to me to press her lips against my cheek. “There’s another kiss.”

Georgie claps her hands in the air. “I saw it. They are in love.”

Bianca smiles softly. “We should finish getting dinner ready.”

I nod. “Let’s do that.”

Dora and Georgie disappear around the corner again.

“How do you feel about seeing me again tomorrow, Bianca?”

Her gaze flits over my face. “I’d love that.”

“I’ll bring something to your place for dinner,” I offer. “Around eight?”

Her lips land on mine for a deep kiss. “That’s perfect. I can’t wait.”

I can’t either because tomorrow I tell this remarkable woman how I feel about her. I want Bianca Marks to know that I love her.


“Do you have a job?” Georgie threads her fork through the flesh of the salmon on her plate before she shoves a piece into her mouth.

Bianca nods. “I do. I’m a senior project manager at a company that builds really tall buildings.”

“No way.” Dora darts to her feet. “That’s what I want to be.”

“No.” Georgie follows her sister’s lead and slides off her chair to stand. “You want to be a vet like Uncle Matty. I want to be a lawyer.”

“I don’t want to be a vet,” Dora announces with a brisk shake of her head. “I changed my mind.”

Georgie’s hands drop to her hips. “You can’t.”

“I can so,” Dora disagrees. “Daddy said I could be whatever I want to be, so I want to be what Bianca is.”

“She already has that job,” Georgie points out. “So you can’t have it.”

“She’s going to retire soon like grandma did.”

Bianca lets out a laugh. “I have a few years before I retire, and besides, one day, I hope I’ll own a real estate development company of my own.”

I turn to look at her. “Really?”

“Really,” she repeats, her tone brimming with confidence. “I have so many connections in this city. I believe in ten years, I can branch out on my own.”

I’m so fucking proud of her. I’m so goddamn happy that she’s sharing this in front of my daughters. I want them to reach for the stars too, until they have them in their grasp.

“You’ll do it,” I say assuredly. “You’re going to do it, Bianca.”

“You will,” Georgie chimes in.

Dora rushes around the table until she’s standing next to Bianca. “I know you’ll do it. Daddy says a person can do anything with hard work.”

“And the right attic dudes,” Georgie adds.

Bianca drops her chin to hide the grin on her face.

“Attitude,” Dora corrects her sister.

I soak it all in. This is life. This is what I want every fucking night of my life.

“Let’s finish dinner so we can have a cupcake,” Bianca suggests. “I brought a lot of different flavors.”

“First pick!” Georgie calls as she takes a seat in her chair.

“Seconds,” Dora says as she settles back behind the table.

“Third,” Bianca whispers.

I turn to look at her to find tears welling in her eyes.