“You’re so incredible,” he says in a low tone.

“Roman,” I manage his name but nothing else.

He moves to rest his lips against mine as he takes me closer to the edge with each stroke. “You feel so good. This is so good.”

He slows the pace to an almost unbearable movement. It leaves me wanting and eager for my release.

“Roman,” I protest on a moan. “Don’t stop.”

His eyes find mine. He stares into me, past the pain of every relationship I’ve ever had and every doubt that has flooded me about what my future holds. “I can’t stop. We were made for each other.”

With a press of his lips to mine for a lush kiss, he ups his pace. He fucks me with his eyes locked on mine until I come no more than a minute before he does.


I turn over to watch him from behind as he answers his phone.

It’s near midnight. We’ve been in bed for hours, talking and touching. Kissing and fucking.

I got up briefly to make us a salad, but Roman had me over his shoulder before I could finish. He carried me back to bed, tossed me into the middle of it, and touched me until I came again.

I’m sore and satisfied in a way that feels perfect.

“How much pizza did she eat?” he asks someone. “Dora can’t handle all that cheese.”

He turns to face me. A smile brightens his face immediately.

“You’re a goddamn doctor.” He laughs. “I know you’re a vet, but c’mon you must have a cure for a stomachache.”

His hand trails down his nude body to his stomach. My gaze follows it but dips below to see his cock half-erect.

“Dad hugs are the cure,” he says quietly. “I’m on my way.”

I smile as he ends the call and lowers his phone. “You’re right. Dad hugs are the best hugs.”

He stalks toward the bed. “I hate to leave you like this, but I need to go.”

I swing my bare legs over the side of the mattress. “I know.”

Before I can stand, he’s on his knees on the floor in front of the bed. He wraps his arms around my legs until his hands rest on the top of my ass. “I’ve been looking for you my entire life.”

I rake my hands through his hair, pushing it back from his forehead. “I can say the same to you.”

“A very wise man once told me that with an open heart anything is possible.” He moves to kiss my shoulder. “He was right.”

“My dad used to say that,” I whisper.

“Smart man.” He pulls back to look into my face. “Tonight meant everything to me. I have a feeling tomorrow will be just as special.”

“You’ll text me the time and place?”

“I will.”

I suck in a breath. “Should I bring anything?”

“No. I just want you there.” He smiles in the softest way. “I want you there to meet my two little girls.”

Chapter 45


Trying to calm the girls down isn’t happening. Georgie is bouncing up and down on the small trampoline Matt dragged in here a few weeks ago. Dora is running circles around her with the makeshift pink bandage wrapped around her head again.

I’m all about making a great first impression, but I want these two to be their authentic selves.

They’re two loving, inquisitive, and very energetic six-year-olds.

“When will Bianca be here?” Georgie says as she drops into another bounce.

Dora’s finger juts out to point at her as she rounds the corner of the living room in a sprint. “You said her name right this time.”

Georgie struggled with the pronunciation of Bianca’s name. She put an extra ‘ n ’ sound before the ‘ anca .’ It came out sounding like Binanca. It was fucking adorable.

I was all for it, but Dora wasn’t having it.

She stood in front of the trampoline while Georgie recited Bianca’s name over and over again on each bounce.

Dora finally gave up on the twenty-second try.

“I know I did,” Georgie yells in her outside voice. “It’s Binanca Marks.”

That stops Dora in her tracks. “Oh brother, not again.”

I hold back a grin as I tidy the dining room table. It’s a futile move since all the coloring books, crayons, and puzzles will be dumped back there within the hour.

Every night, we gather there for an hour to go over the day’s schoolwork, do a craft, or work on a puzzle altogether. Matt, or one of my other siblings, often joins in.

My mom does too, when she’s in town.

She’s settled in Maine for the spring and summer and comes back to New York each winter. I’ve often heard her comment that one day she’ll spend all of her time in this city with her grandchildren.

I don’t know if that day will come.

She’s enjoying her retirement. She worked hard to support the four of us after our dad walked out.