“There sure as hell better not be.”

She glances to her right as a trio of people breeze past us. “You surprised me today.”

I know that she’s talking about what she’s learned about me from her brief time with Clarice and Mika, but I take the conversation in another direction. “It’s the kiss, isn’t it? You’re going to tell me you’re surprised that I’m the best you’ve ever had.”

Her teeth land on the corner of her bottom lip in a failed attempt to halt a smile. “You think that was the best kiss I’ve ever had?”

“I know it was,” I say confidently.

It was the best kiss I’ve ever had, and I saw the look on her face as soon as we broke apart. That said it all.

“It was in my top three.”

Shaking my head, I reach forward to run the pad of my thumb over her bottom lip. “You’re a shitty liar, Bianca.”

She nips at my thumb. “You’re arrogant.”

I step closer. “I know that kiss sits at number one for you.”

“How would you know that?” She eyes me.

I lean down to brush my lips softly against hers. “Because it’s the second best kiss I’ve ever had.”

Her gaze locks on mine. “Second best?”

I tug her closer to me again, not caring that the flowers are pressed between us. “This is the best kiss I’ve ever had.”

I take her mouth again. This time the kiss is demanding and filled with raw need. It lures the softest sound from her.

When our lips part, she lets out the faintest moan. “Holy hell, Roman.”

“The best, ” I whisper as I nip at her bottom lip. “Is yet to come, Bianca.”

Her lips move as if she’s about to say something, but not a word escapes her. Instead, she backs away slowly. “I’m going to go.”

Since I’m in desperate need of a cold shower, I don’t fight her. “I’ll see you soon.”

“You will?”

I hold back a smile. “Yes.”

I wait for her to ask when, but she leaves me with a trail of her fingers over my chin. “Thanks for everything.”

I snag her hand in mine so I can plant one last kiss on her palm. “I should be the one thanking you for today, Bianca.”

I stand in place as she walks away, waiting for her to glance back.

As she’s about to round the corner, she finally looks my way.

The smile she gifts me with is enough, for now.

When she disappears out of sight, I take off in the opposite direction, knowing that this sudden aching need I feel inside is all because of her.

Chapter 21


I glance at the screen of my phone to check the time.

It’s nearing five. For a Monday, the hours have flown by. That’s because John tossed me a curveball as soon as I arrived at the office this morning. He needed me on-site at one of our projects all day.

I took off as soon as he told me, grateful that I’d chosen to wear black pants and a gray sweater today. The overcast skies that I woke up to are to blame for that.

Running a hand through my matted hair, I sigh.

Wearing a hardhat on a job site is par for the course. If I had known that I’d be sporting one for eight hours, I never would have taken the time to curl my hair this morning.

Once I get home tonight, my plan is to shower, make a sandwich, and fall asleep all within an hour.

Footsteps outside of my office draw my attention to the open doorway.

I smile as soon as I see Paige with a grin on her face. I motion for her to come closer to my desk. “I’d get up, but I’m tired.”

She lets out a giggle. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look exhausted.”

“I’m avoiding mirrors at all costs until I get home,” I confess. “You, on the other hand, look adorable.”

It’s the black and white polka dot dress she’s wearing. Her style is always on point.

“I have something for you,” she says, producing a small white envelope from behind her back. “This was dropped off at reception earlier. I told Mona I’d see that you got it since she had to leave early.”

Paige handles reception if Mona is out for the day or if she sneaks away early. Yoga is her life, so whenever her favorite instructor is hosting a hot yoga class, Mona is nowhere to be seen.

I take the envelope from her. My name is the only thing written across the front of it.

For a split second, I hoped it was a message from Roman, but the handwriting is feminine. I don’t recognize it.

I glance at Paige. “Did Mona mention who dropped it off?”

She shakes her head. “Are you going to open it?”

I tap the envelope against my palm. “Later. I have a half dozen calls I need to get to before I leave for the day.”