My voice tears the lovers apart. The woman is the first to look at me. Roman glances down before he looks in my direction.

His already full lips are swollen from the kiss. He’s sporting more stubble than he normally does, and his hair is messier than usual.

“You said you had a business meeting,” I say to him.

“That was hours ago,” the woman responds. “Are you my new assistant? I know we spoke on the phone earlier, but you said you couldn’t meet up tonight. I thought we agreed that I’d see you at my office on Monday morning unless you want to come with me tomorrow while I look for an apartment. I’m still learning how to navigate Manhattan.”

Shaking my head, I stare at her. “What?”

“What’s going on?” Sabrina moves to stand next to me. “Do you need help?”

“I could use another drink.” The blonde woman laughs. “It’s suddenly very hot in here, if you know what I mean.”

I shake my head, not wanting to join in as she laughs. Roman, on the other hand, lets out a deep chuckle.

“You’re hot too?” I point a finger at him. “Did kissing her make you all hot and bothered?”

The corners of his lips curve up as he lifts a shoulder in a shrug.

Is he fucking serious right now?

The rage I’m feeling morphs into sadness, disappointment, or maybe it’s regret.

Whatever it is, it drives me to pick up the glass in front of him, turn to him, and with a snap of my wrist, I toss the clear liquid at him before I slam the glass down on the bar. “Go to hell.”

Just as I turn to walk away, his hand grabs ahold of my wrist. “Wait.”

I stop in place. “For what?”

He lets go of me and moves to stand. Sliding a hand over his face to brush off what’s left of his drink, he looks down at me. “Bianca, right?”

I stare at his lips because that’s not how my name usually sounds when he says it. His voice is different. It’s deeper and rougher.

I take a step back when he removes his suit jacket, and I see his bare arms.

“Wh…what…what’s happening?” I stutter out as I look at the intricate black and gray tattoo that wraps around his right bicep.

“I’m Matt.” He shoves his hand at me. “Matt Hawthorne.”

Chapter 36


“You’re not Roman?” That question leaves me without any thought as I take his hand in mine for a quick shake.

“I’m Matt.” The man standing in front of me nods. “Roman’s twin brother.”

“Twins?” The blonde woman Matt was kissing jumps off her barstool. “Are you serious? There’s another man in this city that looks like you?”

He turns to her. “We’re identical.”

“I knew transferring here from Seattle was the right move.” She waves a hand in front of her face. “The two of you together must be a sight for sore eyes.”

Matt huffs out a laugh. “I’ve got my hands full here, so…”

“Right.” She gathers up her purse. “I’m staying at the Bishop Hotel in Tribeca. Room 301. Stop by if you want to finish what we started.”

“Thanks for the invitation…” his voice trails.

“Paisley,” she stresses. “You forgot my name?”

“I blame it on temporary trauma.” He dabs the front of his wet T-shirt with a napkin. “It’s not every day that a glass of water is thrown at me.”

I wince. “I’m so sorry.”

He laughs it off. “It’s not a big deal.”

“It’s kind of a big deal,” Paisley chimes in. “We had something pretty special going on before we were rudely interrupted.”

“Maybe that’s all it was meant to be.” Matt pats another napkin against the lapel of the suit jacket in his hand. “I’m going to be tied up for the rest of the night.”

Paisley steps closer to him. “I could do that for real. My ex-husband taught me how to tie a knot that is impossible to escape from.”

Matt’s eyes widen. “Hard pass, Presley.”

“Paisley,” she corrects him. “My offer stands. Room 301. Bishop Hotel Tribeca.”

He flashes her a smile.

Sabrina, Matt, and I all watch her walk away.

He turns to face me. “Roman’s told me a lot about you, but he forgot to mention that you have perfect aim.”

Sabrina laughs. “It did hit you dead center in the face.”

“Dead center,” he agrees. “You overheard who I am, so who are you?”

“Sabrina Marks,” she says, offering her hand. “Bianca’s cousin.”

His hand falls in hers for a quick shake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“I’m sorry,” I say again. “I had no idea that Roman has a brother.”

“Brothers,” he corrects me as he slides his suit jacket back on. “We have a younger brother and a sister too.”

Roman and I haven’t discussed our families. He assumes I’m Thurston Marks’s daughter, but that’s the extent of the exploration of our family trees.

“Four kids?” Sabrina asks. “Your parents are brave. I’m an only child.”