I glance over to where the restaurant’s owner, Martina Calvetti, is tending to a customer. “Do you think we should ask Marti to recommend something for dessert?”

Vivi’s head shakes. “No. I think you should answer my question.”

“I meet a lot of men,” I say with a sly grin. “Today I met a guy on a job site. He has sixteen children. Sixteen, as in one six.”

“You’re avoiding my question.”

I am, and it’s for a very good reason. Vivi can’t keep a secret. She’s never been able to. If I tell her about Roman, my mom and Thurston will know before this day is over.

When they found out I was dating Kieran, they demanded to meet him. That turned into an inquisition. My mom tossed questions at him about his intentions and how many children he wanted.

It was intense and unnecessary since I didn’t see a long-term future with him even back then.

I want what I have with Roman to stay between us for now.

I reach for my sister’s hand. “If things ever get serious between a guy and me, you’ll be the first to know.”

She tilts her head. “Promise?”

Nodding, I point at the food left on her plate. “Finish that so we can grab dessert and go.”

She pushes the plate to the side. “Where? I’m not dressed for anything fancy.”

“You look beautiful,” Marti Calvetti says as she approaches us. “Look at you.”

Vivi glances down at the ripped jeans and pink sweater she’s wearing. “I’m a mess.”

Clucking her tongue, Marti adamantly shakes her head. “You’re a beautiful young woman. My grandson would think so too.”

I laugh because there are more than a handful of Marti’s grandsons in Manhattan. Arietta, a friend of Maren’s and an acquaintance of mine, is engaged to one of them. He’s the second oldest grandson, Dominick.

“What’s his name?” Vivi asks.

“Dante. Dante Calvetti. He’s my Robbie’s youngest son.”

“Dante Calvetti,” Vivi repeats. “It has a nice ring to it.”

“He’s a nice man.” Marti’s eyebrows perk before she turns her attention to me. “What about you? Is there a man in your life?”

“There’s a lot of work in my life,” I joke. “I just got a huge promotion.”

“That calls for a celebration.” Marti claps her hands together. “Dessert is on me.”

“You don’t have to do that,” I say.

“I do so.” She squeezes my forearm. “A promotion should be celebrated with something decadent. Tiramisu for both of you.”

As soon as she’s left the table, my sister has her phone in her palm. Her eyes widen as her fingers skirt over the screen. “I think I’m in love.”

Chuckling, I lean forward. “What?”

She flips the screen around to show me an image on Instagram of a handsome man with striking blue eyes, brown hair, and a smile that could light all of New York City. “That’s Dante Calvetti.”

I lean back in my chair. “Ask Marti to set you up with him.”

Closing the browser on her phone, she sighs. “I can’t. I’m just like you. It’s all work and no fun for me until the end of wedding season.”

“There’s an end to wedding season?”

She laughs. “Come to think of it, no, so I guess I’m going to end up like you.”

My hand darts to my chest as I hold back a laugh. “Like me?”

“Twenty-seven and married to the job with no love life to speak of.”

Little does she know that I had the best sex of my life a few nights ago, and since then, I haven’t stopped thinking about Roman.

“You’ll make time for love,” I assure her. “When the right guy comes along, everything will fall into place.”

“For you too,” she says. “Our men are out there. We’re bound to find them one day.”

Something deep inside of me feels as though I’ve found the perfect man for me in Roman. That might just be the sex talking or my infatuation with him taking over my common sense, but I’m going to enjoy my time with him however long it lasts.


“I told you I’m not dressed to go anywhere.” Vivi tugs on my arm as soon as we step out of Calvetti’s. “If you want to go to a club, I need to run home and change.”

I motion to the jeans and blue and white striped blouse I’m wearing. “Do I look like I’m ready to party?”

Still holding onto me, she takes a step back. “You look perfect.”

Only my sister would tell me that. Work was a full-on disaster today. I spent much of it on a job site with an irate contractor. It started to rain mid-morning, so the white pants I was wearing became a muddy shade of brown from the knees down.

I showered quickly after work, put on the first things I grabbed out of my closet, and ran to meet my sister. I didn’t even bother with make-up or a minute for my hair. It’s wavy and messy.