“Life is short,” I quip. “And offices around here are rare.”

She jerks a thumb over her shoulder toward where her desk sits among a sea of other desks. “You’re telling me.”

I move toward the corner window. “You’re more than welcome to work in here when I’m out on a site.”

Her eyes catch mine. “Thanks. So, I’ve been dying to ask you…”

I anticipate what she’s about to say, so I cut her off before the question leaves her. “I met him at a bar, Paige. What do I need to do to keep you from telling Vivi about him?”

A smile tugs at her lips as she lifts her hand in the air. “I swear to keep it to myself if you tell me everything. How long have you known him? Does he have a single brother?”

Touching one of the daisy petals, I laugh. “I don’t really know him. I saw him at a bar a few times. I have no clue if he has a brother.”

She nods. “He’s got the first step in the how-to-sweep-a-woman-off-her-feet move down pat. He showed up here looking like sex in a suit with your favorite flowers.”

I tear my gaze away from the daisies. “I’m not going to be swept off my feet by anyone.”

Paige’s smile falls. “Don’t let what happened with Kieran make you bitter. I was cheated on too once, so I know from experience how much it sucks.”

I’m not surprised that Paige knows about Kieran. I expected Vivi would tell her. “I’m sorry that happened to you.”

“I let it consume me.” She sighs. “I should have found myself a hot suit with superb taste in flowers right after I dumped my ex.”

I try to hold back a grin. “There’s still time.”

Heading out of my office, she huffs out a breath. “I know. That’s why I’m always on the hunt.”


“A promotion and your own office?” My cousin, Sabrina Marks, raises the glass in her hand in the air. “Let’s toast to that.”

I clink my water glass to hers.

We opted not to drink alcohol tonight. That has nothing to do with a deliberate decision and more to do with the fact that we’re sitting in a diner that has a limited selection of beverages.

Our plan was to have dinner at Axel Tribeca, but there was a mix-up with our reservation, so we decided to head to our favorite place for burgers and fries.

Crispy Biscuit has been a staple of our relationship since we met. Sabrina is a few years older than me, so when I joined the Marks family, she already knew all the larger-than-life personalities I suddenly found myself related to.

She took me under her wing and announced that we were cousins.

That connection may have been grounded in my mom’s marriage to her uncle, but we’ve built on it. We’re friends now.

I glance at the oversized menu on the table in front of me. “I’m going all out tonight.”

Sabrina’s green eyes narrow. “I know what that means. You’re going for a double cheeseburger and an order of fries. Gravy on the side.”

I nod. “You know it.”

She scratches her head behind her ear. “I should have the same, but I’m trying to behave.”

“This is a celebration.” I smile. “I got a promotion, and you bought another building.”

Running her fingers through her brown hair, she laughs. “I decided not to follow through on the walk-up on the Upper West Side.”

I’m surprised. Since Sabrina inherited a dozen properties from her father, she’s been consumed with growing her portfolio. His unexpected death from a heart attack changed her life’s path in more ways than one. She was in college, pursuing a degree in liberal arts when she found herself at the helm of a growing real estate investment empire.

She studied business part-time as she learned the ropes from her dad’s right-hand man and Thurston. My stepfather’s knowledge of real estate investing came from lengthy discussions with his older brother.

He’s still mourning that loss, and I sense every time Thurston invests in a property, he secretly hopes he’s making his big brother proud in some way.

I’ve always understood that since I’ve tried to do the same in my own life since my dad passed away.

“Let’s celebrate your ability to recognize when a building will be nothing but a money pit.”

She raises her glass again. “Cheers to that.”

I laugh as she downs half of the water in one gulp. “Are you imagining that’s vodka?”

Her head shakes as her gaze volleys from my face to something behind me. “I’m not. I’m also not imagining that a gorgeous man is staring at you right now.”

I furrow my brow. “Define gorgeous.”

“On a scale of one-to-ten, he’s infinity.” She laughs. “He’s a stunner.”

“How do you know he’s not staring at you?” I question. “You’re looking hot tonight in that cute black dress.”

She glances down before she wags a finger at me. “What about you in that red number?”