I wait until she’s walking back to the counter before I answer the question. “There’s a guy that’s always at Rolly’s pub at the same time as I am.”

“Rolly is too old for you.”

I laugh. “The last few times I’ve been in there, a man has been sitting on a barstool drinking alone.”

Maren breaks off a piece of the scone and pops it into her mouth. “How many times have you seen him there?”

I wiggle three fingers in the air.

“What’s he like?”

“Intense.” I laugh. “Arrogant. Ridiculously hot.”

“He sounds like your dream guy.” She winks. “So you’ve talked to him?”

I nod as I take a sip of my coffee. “During our last conversation, I told him about Kieran. He had a few things to say about that.”

“Keats did too.” Maren sighs. “He was pissed, Bianca. He wanted to go down to Kieran’s office and wring his neck.”

I don’t bother mentioning that Kieran is currently unemployed.

“What did the mystery guy at the bar say about Kieran?”

I hold back the detail of Roman’s name because I know Maren. She’ll have her phone in her hand to Google him before I finish saying his surname.

“He said that now that I was single, he wanted to fuck me.”

The piece of scone in her hand falls to the table. “He didn’t say that.”

“He said he wasn’t sleeping with anyone but wanted to sleep with me.”

Her hand rubs her forehead. “What did you say to him?”

I laugh as I rest my hand on her forearm to reassure her. “I told him I don’t get into bed with strangers.”

She leans back. “Really good sex can cure a broken heart.”

My eyes widen. “You’re serious?”

“I know your heart isn’t broken, but it has to hurt.” She lowers her voice. “You haven’t talked much about your feelings, but I know you. You’re tough on the outside, but inside…”

“It did hurt,” I say honestly. “It was more a bruising of my pride than anything.”

“So heal it by having sex with the guy from the bar.”

“I can’t believe you’re suggesting that.” I swallow another mouthful of coffee. “You’re the one who is always checking in on me when I go on a date. You’ve told me to be careful more times than I can count.”

“That’s true,” she agrees with a nod of her head. “This time, I’m telling you to have fun. Don’t go back to his place. Use a condom and call me with all the details when it’s over.”

“If it ever happens,” I say. “He’s gorgeous, but his assumption that I’ll jump into bed with him is both hot and infuriating.”

“You want him to work for it?”

I lower my voice. “I don’t know. I want something. Besides, I’m not even sure I’m going back to Rolly’s anytime soon.”

“I can’t drink anything other than water there, but if you need backup, I’m there for you.” She rubs her belly. “We both are.”

I smile. “I’ve got this. I need to run soon, so let’s catch up on you. Tell me everything about the nursery.”

Her face lights up. “I know it’s just a nursery, but I want to give him the best life I can.”

I have no doubt that she will. Her baby has parents who adore him and many people who can’t wait for him to arrive.

I sip my coffee, listening to her talk about the color scheme for the nursery and the curtains she bought that have a teddy bear pattern on them.

Maren’s joy is in having a family. I’m not there yet. I’m not sure I’ll ever be, but I love seeing my friend living her dream.

“You have to come over and see the progress I’ve made.” She finishes the last bite of the scone. “Does tomorrow afternoon work? Can you take a longer lunch? I’ll whip up something.”

Tomorrow is Tuesday.

“I’ll tell my boss I’m working from home.” She laughs because she married her boss.

Maren and Keats run Morgan Sports Management as a team.

“I’ll make that salad you love.” Her smile brightens. “The one with the avocado and bacon and that dressing that we can’t get enough of.”

I should say no so I can go to Rolly’s and play will-I-or-won’t-I with Roman, but my time with Maren has been limited recently because we’ve both been busy. I have nothing pressing on my schedule for tomorrow afternoon.

Maybe this lunch invitation from my friend is a sign. A break from men may be just what I need.

“How can I resist that?” I tap her hand. “I’ll be there.”

Chapter 9


“You look like you got stood up.” Thomas Harrell, my business partner, and friend walks into my office.

I laugh that off, even though he hit the nail on the head. I spent two hours this afternoon at Rolly’s Pub waiting in vain for Bianca Marks to show up.

“You’re thinking about the Rockford case, aren’t you?” He assumes the way he always does. “I told you I’d handle it, Rome.”