Her head was hanging down so he couldn’t see her face. Crouching in front of her, he placed a finger under her chin, lifting it so their eyes could meet. Her cheeks were flushed and streaked with tears, her breath catching in her throat, but as their eyes met, she smiled like an angel.

She was in what he thought of as the sweet spot—that perfect point where she was balanced, quivering and panting, on the edge of her limits, still wanting more, more, more. It was up to him, as her Dom, to determine precisely where that point lay. Every sub was different, and it was possible he would need several more sessions with Jess, just to be sure of her sweet spot before he fully exorcised her from his psyche.

“How you doing?” he asked softly.

She met his gaze, some of the focus returning to her eyes. “Wonderful, Sir,” she replied in a sexy, breathy voice that nearly pushed him over the edge again.

Why did she have to be so fucking hot?

Hanging on to whatever was left of his resolve by a thread, he asked, “Can you take more? I want to use my bare hand.”

Jess swallowed visibly, for a moment saying nothing. Then she gave a minute nod and whispered, “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”


Jess’s ass was on fire, every inch of the flesh throbbing with erotic pain. Her sex throbbed right along with it, her sexually masochistic hardwiring having transmuted the pain into raw, dark pleasure that threatened to overwhelm her senses. As with everything else he did, Master Cameron was incredibly skilled with the paddle, taking her slowly and seamlessly over each new pain threshold, sinking her deeper and deeper into sub headspace in the process.

At the same time, she couldn’t quite shut down her damn brain. She’d been so jazzed about her newfound determination to put Master Cameron back where he belonged as her mentor and just another Dom at the Masters Club. No more absurd fantasies of their falling helplessly into each other’s arms, each declaring their undying love for all eternity. She had actually been looking forward to scening with other guys, and putting him firmly out of her mind.

Then, wouldn’t you know it, the very first Dom who makes a beeline for her just as she’s lowered herself into position at the waiting wall, was Cameron Fucking Lord.

And now he was behind her, once more stroking her hot, throbbing flesh with his bare hands. She moaned in spite of herself, the feel of skin on skin electrifying every nerve ending in her body. Then his fingers brushed over her swollen, slick sex, sending a shudder of pure desire rippling through her core. A finger pressed gently at her opening and then slid inside the wet, aching heat of her cunt.

She moaned again, louder this time, unable to help herself. She had to bite her lower lip to keep from begging him to fuck her, right there on the bench, in front of whoever might be watching.

Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god.

The radiating heat of the paddling, and now his fingers moving over and in her sex were taking her quickly toward sensory overload. She was going to come. God help her, she was going to come and there wasn’t a thing she could do about it.

Then, abruptly, the hand was withdrawn, leaving her quivering in sexual frustration, while unable to move a muscle. She bit her lip again to keep from begging. What did she expect from a sadist?

She was almost glad when the spanking resumed, allowing her to shift her focus, at least a little, from her aching sex. As with the paddling, the guy clearly knew what he was doing. He started lightly, smacking her in a steady, predictable pattern until she was able to regain her bearings and something of her self-control.

Then, he cupped his palm, adding to the sting as he smacked her harder, the impact random, the pain amplified against her already tenderized flesh. She forgot about the fingers at her sex. She lost the thread of any lingering fantasies. Her brain shut down as he took her deeper into the erotic pain.

It hurt. It hurt, it hurt, oh god, it fucking hurt…so good.

Jess lost herself in the sensations as she tumbled, not down, but up, up, up into the stars. She was floating in that rarified submissive space some called flying. She was dimly aware he was still striking her, but she no longer felt any pain. She drifted deep inside the silent perfection of her personal nirvana, her brain finally silent, joy permeating every fiber of her being…

“I love you,” she whispered, the words pulled from somewhere deep inside, slipping into the world before she could call them back.

Chapter 21

“Dude! Don’t tell me you killed our new pleasure sub.”