“Wow, that sounds awesome,” Jess said, though she couldn’t help but think it also sounded lonely—to be owned by all was in a sense to be owned by none.

“It is,” Cleo staunchly affirmed. “This is a very special group of people. A ready-made community of like-minded souls.”

She drew in a sharp breath, her expression suddenly urgent. “We’ve talked too long. They’ll be waiting for you. Leave the robe here. You’re to return to them naked.”

Jess hesitated a moment, wrapping the robe tighter around herself. Which was silly, given the circumstance. She’d never minded stripping at the BDSM clubs. After all, you couldn’t very well enjoy a flogging or bare-bottom spanking with clothes getting in the way.

Cleo was stark naked and no one had batted an eye. The judges had already seen Jess naked. As had Mr. Lord.

A ripple of hot embarrassment coupled with desire moved through her as she recalled his sudden appearance beyond the mirror. Don’t think of him as Mr. Lord, she reminded herself. Mr. Lord is a partner at the firm. Master Cameron saw you naked, and that’s as it should be.

She slipped the robe from her shoulders and handed it to Cleo. Cleo dropped it into a small hamper. Reaching around Jess, she snagged a lipstick from the drawer. “This particular shade of red will be perfect with your coloring and those green eyes,” she said. “May I apply it for you?”


Cleo ran the creamy lipstick over Jess’s mouth. She took a step back, giving Jess a last appraising look. “Perfect,” she pronounced with a smile so bright and friendly that Jess could only smile back.

As they headed back to the audition room, Cleo whispered, “I have a good feeling about you, Jess. I know we’re going to become good mates.”

Chapter 6

Cameron joined the other three as they waited for Jess to return. As the member who had extended the invitation, he was entitled to be part of the process, if he desired.

As he’d expected, Dominique had something to say about his revealing himself as he had. “That was quite an unorthodox thing you did, Cameron. Her seeing you like that could have affected the outcome. ”

“It wasn’t planned,” Cameron said candidly. “I sensed her panic and I—” He paused, trying to articulate his thoughts. “I guess I wanted to encourage her to succeed.”

“I was watching her closely,” William interjected. “You’re right. She was starting to lose it. I was about to suggest to Stephen that he ease up a bit. But then she saw you and it was like she suddenly remembered what she was there for. It was kind of awesome to witness.”

“I did push her rather far,” Stephen admitted. “Her skin marks so prettily, it was hard to resist. She can definitely handle erotic pain. She comported herself with a fair amount of grace.”

“Agreed,” Dominique acquiesced. “And it wouldn’t be fair to penalize her because of Cameron’s intervention.” She arched one perfect eyebrow at Cameron, who grinned sheepishly back. “I think, with proper training, she would make an excellent addition to the Masters Club. And you, Cameron, will be an excellent mentor for this young woman.”

Cameron didn’t reply. He pondered the possibility, weighing the pros and cons. If he did the wise thing and refused this assignment, it would be with the promise that he’d take the next sub, no questions asked.

The four of them discussed the specifics of her audition, and what the focus of her initial training should be. They unanimously agreed to make her an offer.

There was another knock at the door, and Dominique called out, “Enter.”

The door opened. Cameron caught a glimpse of Cleo as she nudged Jess forward. Jess came into the room, looking like a deer caught in the headlights, her green eyes wide. Her hair was a wild tumble of coppery auburn ringlets that fell like clusters of grapes to her shoulders. She was wearing more makeup than he was used to seeing on her, but it suited her very well—highlighting rather than overpowering her natural beauty.

Her mouth fell open slightly as she saw Cameron sitting there. As their eyes met, her cheeks flushed a pretty pink. She folded her arms over her breasts, the sudden apparent shyness rather amusing, given what she’d just been through. Of course, covering oneself was not permitted in a Masters Club submissive, and he gave it two seconds before Dominique took action.

She only made it to one second before snapping, “Lower your arms at once and present on your knees.”

Her eyes skittering away from Cameron’s, Jess dropped her arms and slowly lowered herself to the mat. She placed her hands, palms up, on her thighs and spread her knees. Arching her back, she gave them all a lovely view of her cunt, all the while keeping her eyes properly downcast.

Cameron’s cock nudged in appreciation. He crossed his legs to hide his rising erection.