The person taking the call repeated his order, and assured him it would be there within the half hour. When he hung up and turned to Jess, she was laughing.


“I was only kidding when I said one of everything. You just ordered enough food for an army.”

Cameron shrugged, grinning back. “Hey, we need to get our strength up. Don’t think I’m done with you.”

While they were waiting for the food, they showered and brushed their teeth. Cameron returned briefly to his room across the hall to grab his overnight bag. When he came back, Jess was sitting at the table by the window, her damp curls falling prettily around her face. She wore a silky robe loosely tied at the waist, her nipples jutting alluringly against the fabric. The sun had risen and its rays illuminated her from behind, making her look as if she were glowing.

She lifted a champagne flute in her hand and he saw she’d opened the bottle and poured them each a glass. He came to the table and sat across from her, his heart aching with happiness.

She handed him the glass and picked up the other. “To fairy tales,” she said, somewhat to his confusion. She must have noticed his puzzled look, because she added, “Sometimes they do come true.”

He laughed. They clinked glasses and sipped.

They were quiet awhile, both staring out at the waves crashing silently against the shore beyond their window. The full import of what he’d done was weighing on Cameron, now that he was properly awake.

“I’ve complicated things,” he blurted. “I broke my own cardinal rule of never getting involved with someone at work.”

Never getting involved, period, he thought but did not add.

“Well, then. I have some news. Lansing Group has offered me a position as in-house counsel. I’m going for my formal interview next week, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to take the job.”

Cameron frowned as he processed this. “Those bastards are trying to poach you away?” He couldn’t really blame them. It wasn’t unheard of for attorneys and bankers who worked closely with corporate clients to accept job offers that came their way as a result. Even though he immediately understood it would make their lives less complicated, he couldn’t help but ask, “You’re not happy at Silverstein & Hart?”

“I’ve been extremely happy there. But, as you know, the partner track is long and narrow, and my odds of advancing there are fairly slim. They’re offering a very lucrative package with full benefits, effective immediately. It’ll be a lot less stress, easier hours, more money. Then, there’s us.” She shrugged and smiled. “Kind of a no brainer.”

“Then, there’s us,” Cameron repeated, marveling at the term. Us. Were they an us? He waited for the usual dread and escape-route planning that always ensued the instant a woman he was seeing started speaking in the plural.

None came.

He was where he wanted to be, with the woman he wanted to be with.

“You look kind of shell-shocked,” Jess commented. She was still smiling, but her eyes were troubled. “I didn’t mean to be presumptuous. I just meant, because we’re both at the Masters Club and…”

“No. I’m sorry. If I’m shocked, it’s at myself. I’m…I’m not used to this feeling. This is new for me. Brand new.”

“You were a virgin?” she teased, though her eyes still registered concern.

He chuckled. “In a way, yes. I’ve been with a lot of women over the years, both in and out of the scene. But this is a first for me, Jess.” He reached across the small table and took her hand. Lifting it to his mouth, he gently kissed her palm.

“It’s not enough just to scene with you. I want more. I want to be your Master in the bedroom and at the club, and your partner in our daily lives. I want it all, Jess. All of you.”

Jess pulled her hand gently from his and slipped from her chair. Kneeling beside him on the carpet, she assumed a present position, knees spread, hands laced behind her neck. Her eyes were shining with tears, her face bright with happiness. She looked so beautifully submissive and vulnerable as she offered herself to him. “I want it, too, Sir. With all my heart.”

Cameron stood and lifted Jess up and into his arms. Burying his face in her hair, he murmured the truest words he’d ever spoken.

“I love you, Jess.”

Epilogue – Three Months Later

Jess watched in the mirror as Cleo applied the finishing touches to her makeup. “Is it too much?” she wondered aloud, taking in the dramatic eyeliner, smoky mascara and shiny red lips. She was wearing a beautiful, flowing diaphanous robe held closed only by a sash at her waist. Her naked body was completely visible beneath the sheer gold fabric. Cameron hadn’t seen the outfit. Like a wedding gown, it would be a surprise.