Her meaning was abundantly clear, right down to the bit of tongue she coquettishly displayed on her lower lip.

Cameron took a step back so that her hand fell away. Even if he hadn’t been obsessing about another woman, he made it a firm policy to steer clear of married women.

But it was more than that. He was coming to the realization that the walls separating his worlds had crumbled beyond repair. By continuing to shelf his growing feelings for Jess, he’d forgotten who he was—what he was. In trying to maintain the illusion that he could neatly segregate his feelings along with his actions, he’d lost his way as a Dom.

He smiled at Janice as graciously as he could. “The invitation’s very tempting. You’re a lovely woman. Unfortunately”—he paused a fraction of a second before blurting the first thing that popped into his head—“I have another obligation.” He glanced at his watch. “In fact, I have to go now. Congratulations again on the merger. It’s an excellent partnership you’ve put together.”

Her face hardened, the smile becoming fixed. With a toss of her glossy hair, she said, “Another time, then.” Before he could say anything more, she swished away, perhaps to seek someone more pliable. Cameron had little doubt she’d succeed before the night was out.

Meanwhile, a plan was hatching in his brain. His resolve strengthened as he watched Jess being whisked around the dance floor by another guy. He was ready to take back control, both of his feelings and the situation. If he called himself a Dom, it was time he started acting like it. He would stop letting fear dictate his actions. He would claim what he most wanted—who he most wanted—and he’d do it tonight.

He made his way around the room, saying his thanks and farewells to the appropriate people. Entering the lobby, he stopped at the front desk. “Excuse me. Can you tell me which room Jessica Cooper is in?”


Caught in the arms of a guy whose name she’d already forgotten, Jess watched with a sidelong glance as Cameron Lord left the dining room. In a way, it was a relief. She wouldn’t have to keep avoiding him so conscientiously, all too keenly aware of his presence nearby. As he left the room, she resisted the absurd impulse to race after him.

She’d done really well all night, staying firmly away, despite her almost physical need to be near him. She’d stayed away from the Masters Club the night before, too, aware she wasn’t quite yet ready to leap back into the fray. She would go back, of course. Maybe next weekend. She was determined to move past her silly feelings for the unattainable Dom.

She was glad for the distraction of the new job offer. For a few moments after she told Ben she was interested in moving forward with the interview process, she had actually managed to forget that Cameron Lord was standing only a few yards away, looking gorgeous in his bespoke suit, jeweled cufflinks glinting at his wrists.

The compensation package had been even more generous than she’d imagined. And the detailed job description reassured her she had the qualifications necessary. It would be exciting to make a change, as Silverstein & Hart had been her first real job out of law school. And it would accomplish her secondary goal (or was it primary?) of getting away from Mr. Lord. She’d go back to the Masters Club. She’d scene with Master Cameron if and when he tapped her, but that would be the extent of it. Her world would regain its balance.

At a little after midnight the party wound down, the band having taken its leave. A couple of the associates who’d attended the dinner, along with some of the younger employees of the Lansing Group, were going to a casino after the party. They invited Jess to join them, but she politely declined, pleading exhaustion.

She was pretty tired after a long workweek, the drive to Atlantic City and the drawn-out celebration. She’d had a little too much champagne on top of it. She was glad she was only an elevator ride away from a comfortable bed.

She stepped out on her floor, her heels sinking into the thickly piled carpet as she made her way to her door. She slipped the keycard into its slot and entered the room. It was beautifully decorated in soothing, pale blues and greens, the king-size bed calling her name. There was a lovely bouquet of spring flowers and a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket on the table near the window, courtesy of Lansing Group, which had also comped the room. They were a class act, no doubt about it.

She had just kicked off her heels when there was a knock on the door. Had she forgotten something in the dining room? She opened the door, her heart leaping into her throat as she took in the tall, beautiful man with wavy dark hair and soulful gray eyes. He had removed his jacket, tie and cufflinks. The sleeves of his snowy-white shirt were rolled to just below the elbow in pleasing contrast to his tan, muscular forearms.