Cameron turned to the sound of Grayson’s voice. His friend was grinning at him, obviously teasing. Two attractive young women Cameron didn’t recognize stood just behind him, dressed identically in red leather minidresses with cutouts exposing their breasts and hips.

Cameron had been lost in contemplation as he watched Jess, utterly relaxed, her eyes closed, a small, secret smile on her face. “She’s flying,” he replied softly, not in the mood for banter.

“Good sign,” Grayson said approvingly. “Glad she’s working out. Say, if you’re available, these two luscious subs are visiting from Chicago.” He waved a hand toward the women standing near him. “They like to scene together, when possible. Domi’s busy with a new boy toy Mistress Sylvia is lending her for the evening and I need another Dom for the scene I have in mind.”

“Normally, I’d jump at the chance,” Cameron replied, his eyes still fixed on the prone girl draped so appealingly over the spanking bench. “But I need to see to Jess’s aftercare.”

“One of the slaves can do that,” Grayson retorted. Before Cameron could protest, he snapped his fingers. Brandon, who apparently had been waiting nearby, appeared as if by magic.

“Yes, Sir?”

“Take care of this girl’s aftercare. Master Cameron has another obligation.”

Cameron started to protest, but managed to stop himself in time. It was perfectly acceptable for a slave or service sub to see to a pleasure sub’s aftercare. Given a specific request by another Dom, normally he wouldn’t have hesitated to let someone else handle it. So why was he resisting now?

He knew why, and it was precisely for that reason that he nodded his agreement. Moving toward Jess, he placed his hand lightly on her back. “Jess?”

Her eyelids fluttered open, the small smile still on her face.

“Yes, Sir?” she breathed languidly.

“The scene is over. You did well. Brandon’s going to see to your aftercare.”

The smile fell away, replaced by a frown, her eyes widening in apparent confusion. “Brandon?”

“Yes,” Cameron replied brusquely, irritated not with her, but with Grayson for pulling him away, and, more to the point, with himself for caring. “I have another obligation. Have a good evening.”

He sounded like an ass, even to his own ears, but he had no idea what else to do. If he was going to get Jess properly out of his system, he needed to treat her as he would any other pleasure sub. Leaving Jess to Brandon, he stepped away, not allowing himself to look back.


As Jess watched Master Cameron walk away, her heart dropped like a shot bird, passing right down through her body and vanishing through the soles of her feet.

She lay quietly as Brandon removed the bondage straps and dutifully smeared soothing salve over her soundly spanked bottom. When he was done, he appeared beside her. “You good, Jess? Need some water? Need help up?”

“I can manage,” Jess replied. She rose from the bench and got to her feet. The lovely high from the scene had ebbed, leaving her depressed and exhausted. Bending down to pick up the discarded body harness, she said, “I’m okay now. Thanks for the aftercare.”

“No problem,” he said amiably. He glanced around. “I’m supposed to help Mistress Dominique with her scene in a few minutes, so if you’re sure you’re okay…”

“I’m fine,” she snapped. Aware her irritation was misplaced, she hastily added, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be abrupt. I’m just…” Tears filled her eyes. “The scene was so intense. So awesome.” Her voice rose in distress. “Then he just walked away!”

Brandon moved closer, his face creasing with compassion that just made her tears come faster. She brushed them away, ordering herself to hold it together.

“It can be very hard,” he said quietly, placing a light hand on her shoulder. “Especially if you’re new to this level of intensity. Dominants meet deep-seated needs in submissives that it’s impossible for us to meet by ourselves. But in the process, they sometimes pull strong emotions from us, taking everything we have to give. You might not even especially like the Master or Mistress you’re scening with, but that doesn’t stop your soul from responding with masochistic passion to what they give you, and what they claim in the process. It can feel very much like love.” He smiled, shaking his head. “You’ll get used to it.”

“How do you stand it?” Jess blurted before she could stop herself. “You’re a slave to everyone. Isn’t that terribly lonely in a way?”

“You’ve got it wrong,” Brandon said, though his tone was kind. “It’s true I serve whoever requests use of me, but I belong to Mistress Dominique and Master Grayson. As does Cleo. They cherish and adore us. For me, it’s the best of both worlds, because I love to scene with new people at every opportunity. But at the end of the day, I always go back to my beloved owners.”