Cleo, too, jumped from the bed, smiling wide. “That’s the spirit. Let’s go have some serious fun.”

Chapter 20

When Cameron arrived at the club that Friday evening, he checked the private Masters Club app on his phone to see which pleasure subs were presently on the property. He scanned the names, looking for Jess. Ah. There she was.

It appeared she had arrived at the club a half hour ago, so the odds were good she had already been tapped for a scene. If that were the case, he’d observe the scene as her mentor, making note of any issue that might need addressing.

Slipping his phone into a side pocket of his gear bag, he marched into the main dungeon, resolute in his determination to stop acting like a lovesick puppy. It was time to reassert himself as a Dom who was fully in control of his emotions and his environment.

He had a simple two-part plan to fully restore his equilibrium. First, more effectively disassociate Jess the pleasure sub from Jessica Cooper, the promising young attorney at Silverstein & Hart. He’d spent the week avoiding her at work, even missing a meeting she was slated to attend, and that was just nonsense. Second, enjoy Jess the pleasure sub a time or two, just to get her out of his system. Then he’d go back to his usual M.O. of selecting a different girl each time he went to the Masters Club.

He scanned the room for a sign of his mentee. At first glance, he didn’t see her at any of the scene stations. His eyes flickered over to the side wall where pleasure subs waited to be chosen. His gut did a little flip of excitement when he saw her there between Dawn and Katrina, all three on their knees.

Down, boy.

He sauntered toward them, consciously resisting his impulse to hurtle in their direction before anyone else got there. All three women looked up as he approached. The other two were lovely in their own right, but he only had eyes for Jess. She stared up at him with wide eyes, her mouth falling slightly open, as if she were surprised to see him.

“Good evening, ladies,” he said, smiling. He was pleased how utterly in control he sounded, despite the sudden increase in his heart rate.

Dawn and Katrina replied in syncopated unison, like they were in elementary school. “Good evening, Master Cameron.”

He laughed, and they laughed along with him. Jess only managed a small smile.

“Are you free for a scene, Jess?”

The question was only a courtesy, of course. A Master didn’t ask a pleasure sub for permission. By her very presence in the club, she’d already given it.

A pretty blush moved over her cheeks, while at the same time, a look of determination entered her green eyes. He had been right to invite her to join the club. She exhibited that delicious combination of strength and submission that had always turned him on. The sexiest subs were also the most spirited, in his opinion.

“Yes, Sir.” She accepted his hand, allowing him to pull her to her feet.

As they moved through the dungeon together, he spied the perfect scene station. It contained a padded, black leather spanking bench. About two and a half feet high, two feet wide and three feet in length, it was designed so a sub could drape their upper body comfortably over the bench, ass and cunt on full display. Bondage straps were spaced at intervals along both the bench and the leg rests on either side, allowing for complete immobilization. An added feature he especially liked was the padded armrests at the front of the bench, wrist cuffs at the ready.

“Let’s go here,” he said, leading her to the station. “I’m in the mood for a good, old-fashioned spanking.”

A sudden image of her draped over his thighs, her legs trapped in his, her arms extended out in front of her, leaped into his mind’s eye. He pushed it quickly aside. She wasn’t his lover. She was just a club pleasure sub, there to amuse and distract.

As they stepped onto the mat, he dropped his gear bag and turned to regard her. His cock immediately hardened at the sight of her. Her legs were bare, their slender shapeliness accentuated by the high heels on her feet. The leather body harness was sexy as hell, accentuating her breasts and smooth mons in its crisscross of leather. It was almost a shame to have her remove it, but he wanted full access.

“That outfit looks terrific on you, but I’m afraid all those buckles and straps might be in the way. Is it difficult to remove?”

“No, Sir.” She lifted her arms, showing him the zippers along either side.

“Very clever,” he said approvingly. “Please strip naked. But leave on the heels. I like a girl in stilettos and a slave collar.”