Caffeinated and exercised, she returned to her apartment. By the time she’d showered and redressed, it was time to go outside and wait for Vince.

When he pulled up to the curb, Jess climbed into the back seat. He exchanged pleasantries with her, but gave her no specific instructions on how to sit or behave. She was both relieved by this and oddly disappointed.

The drive was quicker on a Sunday morning, the traffic lighter than on Friday night. Within fifteen minutes, Vince pulled into the garage of the old brownstone. “Good luck,” he said as she climbed out of the car. “You’re to go right inside. Someone will be waiting to take you to your appointment.”

“Okay. Thanks,” she managed, her mouth suddenly dry.

Just as she raised her hand to knock on the door that led into the house, it was pulled open. To her delight, Cleo stood on the other side, a big smile on her face. She was still mostly naked, only she now wore a frilly black apron and a little cap on her head.

“Dusting day,” she said by way of explanation, looking down at herself and back up at Jess with a grin. “Master Robert will be here shortly. He loves to play the evil corruptor of the innocent French maid. He comes every Sunday morning for a little romp with the serving girl.” She chuckled. “He’s seventy-seven going on twenty. He’s a hoot. I love scening with him.”

As Jess stepped inside, Cleo regarded her with a cocked eyebrow. Jess had dressed in jeans and a red knit top, sandals on her feet, her hair pulled back. “You know you can’t come in here dressed like that.”

“Yes, I know,” Jess said quickly. “I thought I’d keep things simple and just go naked.”

“Good choice,” Cleo agreed with a nod.

“You’d said there’s a sub changing room somewhere nearby, right?”

“Yes. It’s just over here.” Cleo led her to a small, narrow room off the kitchen, which had probably been a butler’s pantry back in the day. “You can leave your civvies and your purse and stuff in one of the lockers. It’ll be perfectly safe there.”

Cleo followed her into the small space, watching as Jess removed her clothing and stowed it away. “Hey. Didn’t I tell you to wear your hair down, girl? Come on. Let those gorgeous curls hang loose.” Cleo flashed a grin, adding, “You look like a proper librarian with it pulled back like that.”

“A naked librarian?” Jess asked with a chuckle. But she did as Cleo advised. Releasing the barrette, she let her hair hang down to her shoulders.

“It’s good you’re comfortable with full nudity,” Cleo commented. “Some newbies have a little trouble with it, at least at first. You get used to it pretty quick though, around here.”

Jess shrugged. “I’ve never been particularly shy about my body. And I’ve scened enough in my life that it’s no big deal for me.”

“Not to mention, you have a killer bod, babe,” Cleo said with an approving smile. “Those tits are to die for. I wish mine were all high and perky like yours are.” She cupped her own, larger breasts with her hands, pushing them upward.

“You have beautiful breasts,” Jess replied sincerely.

“Thanks.” Cleo shrugged, letting them fall. “They’re too big for my frame. All the girls in my family are similarly cursed,” she added with a good-natured grin.

“Or blessed,” Jess retorted. “I always wished my breasts were a cup size bigger.”

“The grass is always greener,” Cleo replied with a chuckle. She glanced at the large clock set on the wall above the row of lockers. “It’s three minutes to ten. Let’s go.”

Jess followed Cleo out of the changing room to what turned out to be a small elevator. Cleo tapped a few numbers into a keypad set into the wall by the door. A moment later, it slid silently open.

“Wow,” Jess said, impressed. “Fancy.”

“It is pretty sweet,” Cleo agreed as they stepped into the elegantly wood-paneled compartment.

“Where are we going?”

“Third floor. That’s where the medical exam playroom is.”

When the door slid open, they stepped out into a long hallway, the floor thickly carpeted, doors extending along either wall. Cleo stopped at the third door on the right and gave a small knock.

The door was opened almost at once by a curvaceous woman dressed in a white nurse’s uniform, the top several buttons opened to reveal substantial cleavage, white high-heeled mules on her feet. She was about forty, with large hazel eyes and platinum blond hair pulled back in a thick French braid. Her generous mouth was lipsticked a shiny red.

Her eyes narrowed as they moved appraisingly over Jess’s body. She glanced toward Cleo. “You may go, Cleo. Please send Brandon in to run the blood sample to the lab.”

“Yes, Mistress. Right away,” Cleo replied with a slight curtsey before scurrying off.