The fifth was that I noticed we’d had sex without a condom for the first time, and I knew that afterward, I’d panic and do the mental math on how much longer the tiny rod in my arm would protect me against pregnancies for.

And last, but certainly not least, just as we both collapsed onto the bed, with Jackson panting against my back, his softening penis still inside me, someone knocked on the door.

I freaked.

I don’t mean I froze or panicked. I freaked out, and lifted my head so quickly that I caught Jackson’s right eye with the back of my skull, getting a pained grunt out of him.

“Yeah?” I croaked, then licked my lips and tried again. “Yeah?” This time my voice came out louder and more clearly.

“We’ve got to go to the store and pick up all the vegetables and shit for tomorrow, and then we’re headed to drop off some presents. Ronnie and Wyatt are bringing a turkey and a ham, but Sam wants to cook another turkey and half a cow. Sadie’s making something called Yorkshire puddings, and said she’d do some desserts, too, but I was hoping you’d make banana bread and one of those Christmas cakes,” Ryan yelled through the wood.

Just thinking the word ‘wood’ had me trembling slightly and clenching back down around the appendage that’d previously been as hard as wood, evicting it from my body.

That’s when I realized how gross and messy condom-free sex was. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t regret that we’d done it or feel pissed off about it, far from it. I felt like it’d brought us closer, and I knew Jackson would never put me at risk of giving me anything bad, but, damn, that shit felt weird.

The problem was, the more I clenched and tried to stop it from happening, the more his ‘goo’ slipped out of me.

There was some murmuring from the hallway, and I blinked open my eyes, staring blindly at the wall across the room from me.

“Oh, and Sam says breakfast’s ready.”

“I can do that, and I’ll be out in a minute,” I called, answering the cake request and breakfast all at once.

Jackson braced his hands in the mattress on either side of my head, drawing my attention to the bite mark on his wrist, and was just pushing up, when Sam yelled, “And Jackson can join us, too. I made enough for him.”

My mouth dropped open as the words registered, but just as I was about to screech that I didn’t know what he was talking about, Jackson called back, “Thanks. We’ll be two minutes.”

“You still take your coffee black with one sugar?” Dad asked, and I swear I wanted to die. I was blushing so hard I was starting to worry that this was how human combustion was caused.

“Yeah, but I can do it.”

“Nonsense. I’ve made you breakfast, of course I’ll have your coffee ready for you. See you in a minute.”

Thankfully, I heard both of them walking away from the door after that, so no further discussions about coffee and food could happen, leaving me to die a quick death in the flames about to erupt around me. All I could do was hope and pray that my dads, Jackson, and Milkshake escaped them.

Closing my eyes, I waited for it to happen. And waited. And waited some more.

“Open your beautiful eyes, baby,” Jackson whispered, running the tip of his nose softly up my cheek.

“I can’t. If I do, I’ll have to accept that just happened.” His chuckling didn’t help. “How can you laugh? It means they heard us!”

“I’m fairly certain they didn’t hear us, but I’m also not surprised that they saw my truck parked behind Ryan’s in the driveway.”

I almost clipped him in the chin this time when I raised my head. “You did what? Why’d you do that?”

“I’ve done it every night I’ve come to stay. Two days ago, I had to run out and move it so Sam could go to work.”

Hell. I was in hell. This had to be what it felt like to be summoned down to Satan’s lair, where every misdeed you’d ever done in your life was thrown back in your face while you burned for the rest of eternity.

Not knowing what to do, I pulled the pillow over my head and counted to one hundred. At least, I was doing that when a strong hand wrapped itself around my ankle and pulled me off the bed, catching me before I hit the floor.

Did I stand up and face the music? Fuck no. I curled up in as much of a ball as I could and just hung there, hoping he was strong enough not to drop me on my face.

Actually, that might not be a bad idea. With any luck, he’d knock me out, and I’d end up with amnesia that took away the last two hours of my memory. It’d suck not to remember the sex we’d just had, but I’m sure we could do it all over again.