Now, that was a good thing. Not only did it make my nipples tighten under my tank top for some reason, but it also meant that I ground down into the pipe, aware now that it was his erection as I woke up more.

I loved his penis when it was hard. I also loved it when it was soft, but hard was my favorite state for it to be in.

The chest started to shudder, shaking me slightly. “It loves you, too. In all states of play.”

It’d been a long night, not ending until after two o’clock in the morning. After that, someone had snuck in through my window and kept me up for a couple of hours ‘playing,’ so I was groggy from lack of sleep.

That’s probably why I blurted out what I did—again.

“Sadie told me about a girl who farted when she had an orgasm. I’m scared now.”

His whole body stiffened—penis included, although that’d been stiff before I’d said that.

“She what?”

“The girl actually tooted when she came. Like, one second, she was wracked by heaven, then her ass decided to join the party. Now I’m scared I’ll do it too because I know it can happen.”

He was quiet for a moment, and the only noise in the room was the sound of the air conditioning keeping us blessedly cool.

Then his mind decided on an emotion. Laughter. If he hadn’t been hiding his presence from my dads, I know it’d be bellowing out of him. Instead, he rocked the bed hard enough for it to move, which wasn’t altogether an unpleasant thing because it meant his penis ground into me with the motion.


“Baby, I don’t even know what to say to that.”

Looking over my shoulder at him, I took in how red his face was as he continued laughing. “Sometimes, when you don’t know something can happen, you get away without it happening to you. After you know it’s a possibility, fate—the cruel bitch—makes you experience it.”

Rubbing his face with his hands, he took a deep breath in. “Marcus asked me if I’d gotten used to you playing out movies, singing, and screaming in your sleep at night. Know what I told him?” He rolled into me and wound one of my crazy Minnie Driver curls around a finger.

“That you were taping it to start a YouTube channel and become a millionaire?”

His eyes looked from mine to the curl he was playing with. “That’s not a bad idea.”

When I elbowed him in the abdomen, he rolled me onto my back and shifted between my splayed thighs.

Cupping my face in his hands, he sobered up completely. “I told him I loved waking up to you doing that because it was part of who you are. When you love someone, you can’t just pick and choose certain parts you love—”

“That’s a lie. You love my ti—”

He clamped his hand over my mouth and rolled his eyes. “I do, there’s no doubt about that. But, as I was saying, you can’t just pick and choose certain parts you love. Otherwise, it’s not real love. It’s love with boundaries and conditions. What if the person changed one of the things you loved about them? See what I mean?”

Seeing as how his hand was still over my mouth, all I could do was nod.

“So from your head down to your toes, everything that’s inside, and all of the stuff that comes out of you—including you yelling last night that you wouldn’t let go—” I felt my cheeks burning. Fucking hell, I’d been on the Titanic “—I love you.”

Licking his palm to get him to move his hand, I blurted, “You wouldn’t say that if I farted on your balls when I came. I don’t think anyone would love that.”

His expression softened as he stopped wiping his hand on the sheet next to my head. Tilting it to the side, he scanned his eyes over my face.

“Maybe, maybe not. But I do know that I’ll take you any way I can get you because I love you implicitly.”

Oh shitting hell, I was going to cry.

“You can’t say nice things to me like that, dude. I’ll cry, and it’ll be ugly tears with snot going everywhere. I don’t have a box of tissues in my room either, so I’ll have no option but to let it run or wipe it with my hand.” The words came out almost frantically as the tears started to run down my temples into my hairline, regardless of how much I was begging them not to.

“See,” he pointed at my face. “I even loved that. It was gross and unnecessarily graphic, but I still loved it.”

Smiling through the tears at him and making a mental note not to sniff like I wanted to in case it made a horrendous noise, I said, “I love everything about you, too. I love how you go out of your way to look after me, even when I don’t need to be looked after. I love how you take all of five minutes to get ready and don’t complain that I don’t. I love why you chose to study forensic science and how you stick it out even though it’s tough mentally and emotionally.