Squeezing her eyes shut tightly, she blurted out, “I don’t do one-night stands or the fuck buddy thing.”

Out of all of the possibilities that’d flashed through my head that she might be wanting to say, that wasn’t one of them. I wasn’t angry or hurt she’d assume that. We might have known each other in passing because of our parents, but she didn’t truly know me.

“Baby, I haven’t been that kind of guy ever. My friends might have done it, but it was more hassle than it was worth because the expectations were always different, and feelings got hurt. I’ve always run as fast as I could away from drama and situations that could turn into dramatic ones, so I avoided copying their fuck ups.”

We’d gone to different schools, so it was a given she wouldn’t know that about me. She probably would have also heard rumors, because where we lived was a hub for gossip trees and exaggerated whispers, and sadly, you were judged by the company you kept. My friends weren’t assholes, but they did fuck up.

Moving my finger slightly, the tip entered her, and she clenched down tightly around it. Jesus.

“Our families are going to be all over this,” she rasped, pushing back and taking more of the digit inside her.

Nudging her head back with my chin on her forehead, I took her mouth again, almost groaning when her tongue flicked my top lip, prompting me to open it. Which I did, and then a feeling slammed into me when her tongue met mine.

I wasn’t a romantic guy. I didn’t understand it all and figured it would come with time. But fuck me, if I didn’t feel like the champion of the world. Sasha Adams-DeWitt was special, and she was mine.

Mustering all of the restraint that I could—which admittedly wasn’t much—I pulled my mouth away from hers and smiled down at her as she blinked with her mouth still slightly open.

“Let them. So long as they don’t get in my business, I want our families all over this because it’s important to me. You’re important to me. I love my family, and you’re in my life, so the two need to merge.”

Her face softened as the words sank in. “I— I want that, too.”

Running my nose down the side of hers, I breathed in the scent that’d been driving me crazy for weeks. Her shampoo, her body wash, her perfume—all of it together was potent, but nothing beat smelling it straight from Sasha’s skin.

“Good. So are you saying you’re mine? Because I’m not a one-night stand kind of guy,” I teased, only half joking.

She caught onto it immediately and grinned up at me. “I’m saying you’re mine.”

“An impasse,” I drawled, rolling her onto her back and slowly pulling my hand out of the back of her shorts, loving the groan of protest the movement got from her.

“Interesting. Just to warn you, though”—I stopped as I grazed my hand up her leg, moving until my fingers were just under her tank top—“I’m a competitive guy. You’ve just laid out a challenge I need to win.”

Lifting her good leg and wrapping it around my hip, she shrugged a shoulder. “I’m competitive, too, so you’re going to have to bring your A-game to this to win it.”

Smiling widely and enjoying the sparring, I lifted back up until I was kneeling between her legs.

“In that case, I’d better start with my A-game.”

Gripping the waistband of her shorts, I slowly dragged them down, my eyes following them and taking in every inch of skin that was bared.

When they got to where I was, and I couldn’t tug them down anymore without either moving or adjusting her position, I smirked up at her.

“Problem?” she asked sweetly, her head tilting slightly to add to it.

Shaking my head, I lifted her good leg and kept it bent for a moment, allowing me to move the shorts higher up it until they got to mid-shin. After that, I supported her broken leg on my bicep while I removed her good leg from the garment altogether.

“You were saying?” I asked as I maneuvered them over her cast now, her broken leg carefully supported by my other arm, and the ankle of her other leg braced on my collarbone, effectively opening her if I looked between her legs.

But I didn’t.

No, all good things came to those who waited for them.

Once they passed over her toes, I threw them carelessly behind me, not caring where they landed until she started laughing.

“They’re hanging over your television.”

Again, I didn’t care, so I continued with my plan and reached for one of my pillows to put under her leg to support it and take the weight of the cast.

Plucking the hem of her tank top, I hummed. “Now for this one.”

This time she was the one smirking as she slowly dragged it up until it got to her neck, and I swallowed loudly when I saw her tits for the first time.