Sighing, I picked my phone up and winced when I saw it was dead. Of all the nights I forgot to plug it in to charge, it had to have been last night. It’d been acting up for a while now, so I knew better than to let it go a night without charging. Heck, I knew better than to let it go more than seven hours without charging.

Glancing around the room, I stopped on the Alexa device Sasha had in the corner, relieved that it was one of the ones with a screen on it.

I had a phobia of the ones that didn’t have the screen after I’d woken up in the middle of the night, hearing voices coming from my living room, and had run through with my baseball bat. I didn’t play the game, didn’t much even like it, but I damn well had a bat under my bed for safety reasons.

When I’d screamed at whoever it was to hold their hands up because I had an ax, a disembodied female voice had answered, “Sorry, this device is unable to action this request as it isn’t attached to the internet right now. Please go to the Alexa app on your phone to fix this.”

Because I’d just woken up, my brain had still been fighting to come back online itself, so all I could picture was something out of a sci-fi movie, with a psycho robot waiting to get online to kill me. My bat had smashed the device to smithereens, taking out the unit it’d been sitting on, too.

Fortunately, I’d still been in the process of unpacking—which was why I hadn’t attached it to the wi-fi at that point—so the television that was meant to be next to it on the unit had still been in its box.

Now, the only Alexa devices I allowed around me were the ones with the screens.

Seeing I had just over an hour until I had to be at the store to collect the shit I’d ordered for Sasha, I slowly got up, wincing when the muscles that’d knotted from sleeping scrunched up pulled, as well as the new aches on my back and ass from landing on the floor.

Walking stiffly through to the kitchen, I quickly checked Fugly’s bowls to make sure he had food and water, then grabbed up Sasha’s keys, my own, and my phone.

As I locked up behind me, I went through my plan. I just had to throw some shit into a bag, have a quick shower, then I could collect the order and see if Sasha was coming home today. If she wasn’t, I’d at least be able to get her stuff laid out for her, maybe even change her bed for her because I was such a nice guy.

Whistling, I got into my truck and placed my phone on the charging pad in the center console. That would at least give me some charge on it to call the hospital and check on her before I went in.

When I got back to my apartment, I quickly went about packing and having a shower before I was back out again.

As I drove toward the store, I hit the button on the wheel to activate the voice command to my phone. The problem was, I didn’t know the hospital’s number, and I wasn’t dumb enough to pick up my phone and look it up while I was driving. This left me with nothing else to do but wait until I parked up in front of the store with the disability shit in it.

As soon as I reversed into my spot, I did just that, growling when I saw it only had a five percent charge on the battery.

“Why the fuck do you send updates that mess up our phones?”

It was a ridiculous question because the guys who made my phone weren’t around to hear it, but it was pertinent all the same. In a couple of days, I’d get an update through that’d fix it, but it was a pain in the ass in the meantime.

Just as I got the hospital’s details on the screen, it died. The little wheel symbol came up, and the screen went black.

“You dick shit motherfucker!” Looking at my wrist for my watch, I sighed when I realized I’d left it on the charger at home, too. “I’m not a smart man.”

“Me neither, man,” a guy who was around fifty said as he walked past. “Swear I got married, and my brain fell outta my ass the same night.”

Blinking at him, I tried to think up a response. “My, uh, my dad says the same thing. My grandpa swears we regress as soon as we get married because we know the woman will make better decisions for us.” Then, I muttered, “I’m yet to see that happen with him, though. That man’s in a whole new category.”