“You’re a lucky girl,” nurse number two said to Sasha, making me blush.

Thankfully, the elevator arrived, so I held the doors open for her to be pushed inside. Even more thankfully, the other nurse didn’t join us on our trip down to the ground floor.

“You’ll have to excuse Laura,” nurse number one murmured as I watched the numbers on the screen. “She’s been single for a while, so a man acting like a gentleman affects her.”

I was pretty sure my cheeks turned pink, and Sasha’s laughter confirmed it.

When we got to the ground floor, I noticed a problem when the doors opened. The elevator had stopped about two inches below where the floor was, so it meant the nurse would have to tilt Sasha and the chair back to get out. Leaning down, I picked up the front of the chair and lowered it onto the floor.

“I don’t want her to get bumped in case it moves her bones. Can that happen?” I asked the nurse, watching closely as she maneuvered the chair out and pushed her a couple of feet away from it.

I swear, it was like having a kid who was learning to walk or something.

“Right now, the bones are healing, so yes, you could move them out of alignment. I doubt a bump would do it, but you never know.”

Seeing the alarm on my face now, she added, “We took x-rays yesterday and today of her arm and leg to make sure the alignment was okay. If she does fall or hit them, just bring her back, and they’ll double-check it for you.”

Glancing up at me, Sasha pointed out, “I’ll be okay. I’ve been walking by myself for years.”

“Not with broken bones, you haven’t. This is different.”

Maybe I should call her dads. They’d know what to do, right? Mine always knew the best things for us when we were sick or injured because a button gets pressed when you become a parent. I wasn’t one, so I didn’t have the abilities the button brought.

The nurse suddenly stopped the chair and smiled off to the side as a guy joined us with what looked like a car crash of metal in his hands.

“Okay, Sasha, here’s the walking frame I was talking about. You can’t use it yet, but once you get the go-ahead, you’ve got it to hand if you need it. These are the crutches—one’s normal, and one has a rest for you to put your broken arm on. It’ll be awkward, but at least you’ll be mobile. Over there,” the guy pointed at the wall beside the doors, “I’ve got your chair. Use it for now, but don’t become reliant on it.”

“She’s got this big, strapping boy to carry her around,” the nurse pointed at me with a smile, but the guy didn’t do the same.

Instead, he glared at me and made a point of giving me an unimpressed head to toe look.

Either ignoring it or wanting to move things along, she continued, “He was asking about finding exercises for Sasha to do before her appointment with a physical therapist. I know there are a lot of them on YouTube, but are there any specifically you can recommend?”

Begrudgingly, he gave me the name of an account to look up and told me which types of exercises would benefit her.

Thanking him, I jogged out to where I’d parked the truck, waving at my buddy from yesterday, before I pulled out of the space and drove around to where they were all standing.

Loading everything into the back seat, I turned to pick Sasha up, just as the prick did the same thing.

“I’ll do it,” he snapped, trying to use his shoulder to nudge me out of the way.

I might not be a doctor, but I did know one thing. “I don’t think you’re allowed to do it. Something about insurance not covering an injury to the patient or yourself.”

The nurse snickered, but Sasha just shook her head as I picked her up and lowered her onto the seat before pulling the belt around her and clicking it in place. It was more than I’d typically do, but I went the extra mile and tugged on it to make sure it would keep her safe for the drive home.

“Do you want to get a kiddy seat for me to sit in? They’ve got extra straps,” she huffed.

Looking at the nurse questioningly, I almost reached for my phone to call Ted, but her shaking her head stopped me. “No, they don’t do them for adults. Well, not unless you have a certain sexual fetish, then you’d probably be able to get one.”

I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t have a clue what she was talking about, but I’d be looking that fetish up when we got home.

Waving goodbye, and with the prick trailing behind her, I was left alone with Sasha.